Chapter Twenty Seven (Final Chapter)

Start from the beginning

I slapped him lightly on the shoulder. That did not help my sudden tidal wave of anxiety.

"You'll give the poor girl a heart attack," mum murmured.

I peered over my shoulder nervously at the sliding doors, that had people walking through, dragging their luggage behind them.

"You're going to be okay, Kid." Dad said to me, patting my shoulder a little too roughly.

I gave him a wan smile in return.

As a group, we began our short journey into the terminal. Mum completely transformed into business mode and basically got as organised with everything. Thank God, because my whole body was trembling and my mind was running a million kilometres per second. I could hardly walk straight, let alone think straight, too. 

The next hour was a complete blur. I think I somehow entered a trance. I followed mum's orders as she acted like she actually worked for the air port. We then got to the part where my parents couldn't come with us.

My stomach did a flip. "What if I-"

"Shh," mum hushed me, wrapping her arms securely around me. "You will be fine. You're so strong, Lacey. You're going to have a great time."

She kissed my cheek. I glanced at dad who gave me a lope-sided smile. "Go get em', Kid."

I was so not ready for this. What had I been thinking!?

With one final hug, tears began pouring down my face. They turned to hug Anna, and finally, I saw a crack through her nonchalant facade. It was good to see her come back. Her eyes were teary as she hugged my mum. I wonder if she was wishing that was her mum instead.

It was time to go.

With one last wave, I followed Anna's flaming red hair towards the final waiting room. 

This was it, no going back now.


Carter's P.O.V:

Once again, I woke to complete silence. This was common for me, considering my parents were hardly home and I never had any friends over much anymore. Or girls, for that matter.

With a groan, I rolled out of bed. I wasn't particularly motivated to go straight to study today. So, I decided to make myself a coffee. I scrolled through facebook, taking tentative sips. I had been trying to go out more and actually do something other than study, these last couple of months, but I still felt like I wasn't achieving much. 

I turned the water to scolding hot and stepped under it, the steam filling the room. I inhaled a lungful, running the water through my hair. 

I missed Lacey. I wish things hadn't gotten so screwed up with us. It was lonely in the big house with just my own company. But hers is the only one I want. At the slowest rate possible, I toweled off and stepped into some jeans. 

Mum had left me a post-it note, asking me to do some jobs. I sighed. At least it would give me a reason to procrastinate my study some more.

I loved learning, don't get me wrong, but I could not stand being stuck inside all day. I'd rather go do something fun, but I guess this is just life. 

After doing some basic chores, I pulled the bin bag out, scrunching up my nose. Didn't we have a house cleaner for this? With a disgruntled mutter under my breath, I stomped out to the bins outside. I glanced at Lacey's house. It looked like there wasn't anyone home. She'd been pretty busy, from what I've creepily observed. I glanced at the mail box, seeing the little red flag in the air. With another unnecessary sigh, I wandered towards it.

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