Part 5

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"All these people in here and for what reason, a stupid necklace that's probably cost more than your lives all together,"

A week has past by since Reece pushed the new heavily locked and shatter proof showcase into the shop. Its new position was in the middle of the floor where Hilton insisted everything to be moved to sit around it. As if all the showcases were praising this one jewel. After a while, Reece hated the jewel for making everyone so edgy and praiseful.

Ever since bringing it out, Mrs. Royce Mitchells has been in twice a day to take a peek at the diamond necklace. Each time she'd ask for a discount only to be sent away. A news reporter came to do a nice report on it. From a professor's standpoint the jewel was worth more than five million dollars and that doesn't include the snippets of gold embroidery along its chain. Not only did it bring the attention of the town's reporter but everyone. People, that has never entered the store before were visiting to take a peek. Ronny and his buddies has been coming too with the excuse of looking for Clyde who Mr. Hilton didn't mind pulling him in for a job at the snack bar.

Indeed, business did increase thanks to the new jewel. People came and brought items of a reasonable value that helped the store and its debt. Mr. Hilton had confessed to them in a meeting that the store was going bankrupted. Of course, Rose didn't like that. She nearly beat the man down with her new walking stick. This meant reduced pay and same hours. Reece, of course, despised the man who everyone in town knew use to be a hard gambler. And to think his rehabilitation in California did its job. Scott had lost his voice. His wife was getting worse because they were almost out of money and she had to miss two treatment appointments.

Although, Mr. Hilton was a stubborn man he let Scott stay home for two days to comfort his wife. Reece continued creating flyers and posters for her parents to post in the city to gain more business. Business did increase but it was only for that week. Now it was Monday and not a single soul entered the door.

Rose's statement last week kept fumbling through her head all morning. Rose was the only one joining Reece in the group opposing to praise the expensive jewel. Now that the publicity was over, Reece felt bad. She didn't want it to stop. She stared across the store, out the glass door and showcase to the store across the street. Soon they will be out of business. Not because of the new jewelry store but because of Mr. Hilton's money problem. Everyone's having money issues. That's America for you. Success for all, it claims, yet no support. Some government, we have, she thought.

A professionally dressed woman and a tall slender young man exited the store. It wasn't open yet but in a few days it will. The woman who owned the store is a snob. Another snob, Reece noticed. She'd walk by the store with her eyes narrowed at them or stand across the street watching. Reece knew she was counting the customers. But today it was going on lunch and still no one. Not even Mrs. Mitchells.

"Oh no, here comes that Rat." Rose openly states. That was the woman's new name for the elderly woman. The woman indeed entered the store with the tall fellow. He looked very nervous but stayed in walking pace. The bell rang. She slowly looked around. Reece could feel the chilliness of her aura from across the room. She slowly walked around leaving the slim boy at the door.

"If you're not buying anything than leave," Rose sweetly says. It sort of crept the young girl out. But when the woman turned cold eyes their way, a new fear took over.

"You talking to me Rosaline Louis?" The woman says approaching the counter. Rose grunted angrily. "How's your husband?"

"You have no right to bring him up you Rat."

"It's a pleasure seeing you again too, Rosaline."

"Mrs. Louis, mind your manners. I was good to your mother."

The woman cleverly laughed. "Yeah, good,"

"You two know each other?"

"The Rat use to live next door to me. Oh how much we celebrated when the little brat and her family moved to New York."

The evil smirk plastered on her face, "I thought you'd be dead by now."

Reece was stunned to speechlessness. The lounge door opened and Mr. Hilton exited fumbling through some paperwork. When seeing the woman he nearly tripped over his feet to stand erect.

"Terry. I mean Miss Lamoy, what brings you here?" Mr. Hilton greets holding out a hand to be shaken only for the woman to repulsively look at it.

"Paul, how have you been since I left you dateless at the theatre?"

"Date," Reece said. Rose snorted and pulled out her book to read.

Mr. Hilton grew nervous and shifted on his heels. Clearing his throat he replied, "Okay, just okay. Um what brings you?"

"Well, as you can see, I have opened up my own jewelry store, Blue Jays Jewelry. While in New York I was thinking where I should set up. And then I remembered why not return to old stomping grounds?"

"This is unfair and you know it Terry."

"Ha whatever Paul. I can do whatever I like."

"Then go somewhere and shrivel up and die."

"Rose." Reece couldn't help but say. Staring at the three of them with astonishment Reece felt out of place.

"Look Terry-,"

She quickly indicated the tall man at the door, "I don't think you've been introduced to my right hand. Garry come here."

The tall young man approached eyeing the diamond necklace as he came.

"Garry, meet Mr. Hilton and his pack of wolves,"

"You are very rude Miss Lamoy which means bad business." Reece says.

The lady looked at her as if just realizing she was there. "Go do something child and leave business to the adults."

Reece felt even more shocked when Rose grabbed her arm for her to stay silent. Moaning with disgust she left the strange adults to talk. "Me and Garry would feel horrible if something bad happens to your shop," the woman states bluntly. Mr. Hilton gave a sly reply but the door closed behind her before hearing the rest. She went into the lounge only to see Clyde and Ronny sitting about. Ronny winked at her.

"What is he doing here?" The smell of a strong drug caught her nose.

"Just dropping by that's all." Clyde quickly says standing to embrace his girlfriend.

"I want him out."

"Everywhere we go you want me out of the picture." Ronny slurs.

"Boy get out of here before Mr. Hilton sees you."

"He already has. And already took a draw." He held up his cigar and chuckled. Clyde didn't look pleased.

"Get out. Now. Clyde, show your friend out."

Clyde forced his friend out the backdoor and returned down the hall wearing a guilty smile. "I'm sorry Reece. Got caught up,"

"How can you change Clyde if you keep returning to the thing that will prevent you from doing so."

He shrugged. After staring at the handsome boy she saw grief and confusion written across his face. He didn't know what to do. What he needed was a father figure like Scott. He'll help him out. She made note to speak with Scott later. 

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