Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Don't bother," I told Cain under my breath, making him shoot me a dirty look, "They're called god restraints for a reason. Your god blood prevents you from using your powers, which is why your broken knee caps aren't healing." Cain seethed at that, squeezing his eyes shut before he took a deep breath, probably to try and calm himself down, but it obviously wasn't helping because he started arguing again.

"This wouldn't have fucking happened if you had just stayed with me, where you belonged."

"This wouldn't have happened if you weren't born either, but I'm not into the what if thing anymore. Shut your mouth. I'm trying to find a way out of here."

"Don't tell me what to do," Cain snarled viciously, making me glare at him for a split second before I stretched my feet out to feel along the side of the wall, rubbing my cheek against the cobblestones in hopes of finding some way out, "You're not the boss of me, you little shit."

"Wow, we really are twins, because I've been repeating that same thing about you all these years." I answered dryly, then paused when I felt a loose wooden board under my foot. I gave it a push and it creaked softly under my foot. I started to push on it again when I heard voices outside the door.

"And you know what--"

"Cain, shut your big fat mouth before I kick it! There's someone outside the door." I added sharply. Cain glowered at me, but finally stayed quiet. We both listened to the sound of shoes moving outside the door, a good ways away, but we could hear pretty well. It sounded like a woman's heels clicking and a couple of men's boots thumping, one heavier than the other.

"Really," A woman's voice drawled, "This is such a waste of time. We could just kill them off no problem. Kill one and the rest of them die." I slowly began to recognize the ancient accent as Rara's. And it was soon followed by a man's voice that I recognized as Prometheus.

"Then Cain would be left," He advised, his voice grew hard now, "And Hannibal wants the twins as a set." Only a short silence followed, and I could only guess that Hannibal wasn't replying and just remaining quiet, not wanting to start an argument with his brother.

"Fine," Rara said past clenched teeth, "But if this all backfires, we're saving our own hides, not yours, Hannibal. You're the one making this complicated." There was still no response from Hannibal's side, so Rara took that as her cue and I could hear her heels clicking as she stomped away. I frowned, tilting my head to press my ear against the door. I heard some shifting and Prometheus scoff after a while.

"You're a fool," He said, "You know this is dangerous and it's going to put the plan in jeopardy. If that happens, you can forget about me covering for you and your stupidity. It took a lot of work for me to keep Abel's memories repressed. He's stronger than we thought. Maybe even stronger than Cain. And those two are some of the most powerful beings on the planet. They were the sons of Adam and Eve, the first of their kind. If you were smart, you'd kill them both right now while you still can."

"No," Hannibal snapped suddenly, surprising me at the sudden emotion in his voice, "I told you I'd help you if you let me keep them."

"And I told you that our family would be eternally grateful for your assistance in their escape and would lavish you with whatever you want."

"You really expect me to believe that horseshit? You bastards tortured me for years. Grateful? Yeah, you'll be grateful for two weeks before you get sick of me and you'll toss me out. Cain and Abel are my insurance, and they'll be the ones waiting for me in a home that I make with my powers. I just want you assholes to leave me the fuck alone after I let you all out."

"You're stupid," Prometheus sneered, "And coming from me, that's saying something. Cain and Abel are not dogs. They cannot be tied down like Alexion. They will regain their powers, even Abel, and they will turn on you."

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