Idris's eyes never left hers, even after she finished speaking. Truthfully, it wasn't processing to him. Naomie hadn't even told him that she would be Beyonce's case. Usually, when they discussed work, she'd talk about the people that she was helping. Idris knew that Naomie was aware of Beyonce's name – first and last. Why she decided to take up Beyonce was a question that he needed answered.

"And you're worried her threats aren't empty?"

Bey nodded her head. "I don't know that woman, Idris."

"I get it. What would you like to happen?"

With a shrug to her shoulders, Bey began eating a fry. "I just don't need her in the way of my baby. My patience with that isn't the best."

Idris laughed softly before nodding his head. He understood that having this child was a big deal to Beyonce. Regardless of whatever he'd done to her, he knew right from wrong. Naomie had no right to even threaten her in that manner. Beyonce would've rather the woman threaten to kick her ass than for her to threaten to nip her baby dreams.

"I'll talk to her, and we'll go from there. If she doesn't seem to be letting up, I'll see to it that she makes sure that you get a new agent quickly. Don't worry about it." Idris didn't seem all that worried about anything. It was how he always was. He didn't get stressed about things unless they went terribly wrong. Because of that, Bey was just going to let him handle it. She wouldn't come between his relationship with her, but she couldn't allow that woman to disrespect her like that.

"Thank you," Bey sincerely responded.

Idris laughed and waved her off. "Thank me by letting me know when you get the baby."

"You babysitting?"

"Let's go with no. I can recommend a babysitter, but me? Nah."

"But you're a father."

"Karma. She's a handful."

"You named your daughter karma?"

Idris paused for a moment before laughing at Bey's expression. She was shocked, almost panicking. He'd clearly remembered the day that she told him to name his child Karma. "Karima. I was saying that her being a handful is my karma."

"She's not that old, though."

"She's not, but I can already tell I'm gonna have a heart attack."

Bey leaned over, allowing the laughter to leave her mouth. "She can't be that bad."

"Oh, yes she is. She's real sneaky, gotta watch her."

Bey smirked. "Well, she gets that from you."

Idris couldn't even attempt to deny that one. He was a sneaky man, and he took full responsibility for that one. The two of them talked more before Idris announced that he had to go and pick his daughter up. He told her that he would remain in contact with her regarding the situation. Bey left and immediately went back home. She was actually surprised to see Shawn waiting in her driveway. The couple hadn't talked since he allowed his ex wife to dismiss her in that way. Yes, she felt a way about that, but he didn't return her call. Therefore, Shawn didn't even know what happened with the meeting.

"What are you doing here?" Bey asked softly as she bypassed him and went to open the door to her two bedroom home. Her teeth met her bottom lip as she pondered on exactly how the conversation would go.

"We're going somewhere," he said as he entered behind her. She hadn't noticed that he had bags in his hands until she turned around to see the black and white Saks Fifth Avenue bags. Her eyes narrowed. He only splurged when it was something truly important.

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