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Warning: There is harsh language used in this story.


I walked out of school and wanted to get home as soon as possible. I knew he would come looking for answers and I just couldn't have that. I reached my house and I saw him standing on my porch. I let out a sigh as I walked up to him.

"Kelsey wait. I need to know why. Why do you want me to be a dick to you? Why do you want me to forget you?" He asked. I turned to face him.

"Just do it. It's for the best." I said with a straight face.

"I won't do it. I can't be a dick to someone who hasn't done anything to me or if I'm not mad."

"But I did do something and you should be mad." I said looking down.

"What did you do? Huh? Explain." He said lifting my head with his fingers.

"Forget it" I tried pushing past him but he stopped me.

"No, tell me. What have you done to me?" He asked. I couldn't tell him. But I had to.

"I never loved you. I never cared for you. It was all a lie" I said. I tried to keep a straight face.

"You're lying to get me mad" He said taking a step back.

"No I'm not. It was all a lie and you believed it." The look on his face when I said this words broke my heart.

"Ok. Well thanks for sharing that with me. And follow these steps. Delete my number. Forget that we ever met. Forget me. Don't ever contact me. And find someone that can be miserable with your miserable life. Oh and try not to get on someone's bad side if you don't know what's coming. That was the dumbest shit ever. And to think I actually cared and almost fought my friends over you. Get the fuck out and find something to do." He said pushing past me and getting into his car and driving away..

That's when I felt it. I felt the tear that fell from my eye. I know I hurt him.

I walked inside my house. And dropped my bag near the door and ran upstairs.

"Honey how was your-" my mom called out. I slammed the door to my room before she could finish.

I heard her walking up the stairs until she reached my door.

"Kelsey sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Mom, please leave me alone." I told her. I buried my face in my pillows once again and screamed and cried. I let it all out.


I woke up from my unexpected nap. I cried myself to sleep you could say. I looked at the clock.


I got up and headed downstairs. I was hungry since I had missed dinner. I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I took it to my room and locked the door.

As I was eating my sandwich my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and read the message.

Vicky: Omg. Is it true what you told Damon? ): Do you need me to come over?

Leave it to my best friend to ask questions. I quickly replied to her.

Me: Who told you? And no I'm ok thanks (:

I waited for her reply..

Vicky: Corey told me... He said that Damon told him today. And you know how me and Corey tell each other everything

Vicky and Corey are the cutest couple. They had been dating since freshman year. And now that we are in our senior year they still are crazy for each other.

Me: I'll tell you tmr. I'm not in the mood. I think I'll sleep early today -.-

Vicky: Ok gnite ♡

I placed my phone on my desk and grabbed some clean clothes and walked to the bathroom. I took the longest shower I had ever taken. As I got out and changed into my clean close I felt somewhat more relaxed.

I walked to my bed and layer down. I tried sleeping but I just didn't seem able to. I grabbed a book read a few chapters. I looked at the clock. The bright red light showed 12:54 am.

Ugh. I placed my book down and tried getting some sleep. I just couldn't. I sat there and just stared into the darkness of my room.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. 7:30am. I hardly got any sleep last night. I went to sleep around 4am. I walked to the bathroom and too a quick shower and got ready for school.

I walked downstairs and realized it was 7:56 am.

"Hi sweetie. Are you going to have breakfast?" My mom asked me.

"No. I'm late." I grabbed a granola bar and kissed her on her cheek. I left the house and walked to school. I had to walk now because Damon was the one who usually gave me a ride to school but that's gunna happen anytime soon anymore.

I got to school and walked to my locker. I saw Damon standing by his locker with none other than Daisy. She was known as the school slut. She always had a thing for Damon. She glanced my way and smirked. I ignored them and quickly put my stuff away and walked away.

"Kelsey!" I turned around to see my best friend pushing through crowd yelling 'excuse me' and 'move'

"Hi Vicky." I said once she reached me.

"Let me catch my breath" she said as she placed one hand out signaling for me to stop. "Wow I am exhausted. I ran from the parking lot to here when I saw you come in." She said panting.

"You need to exercise more." I tell her.

"Ha! Over my dead body." She said. Vicky was one of those girls that had a perfect body with her skinny frame and her blond wavy hair with blue eyes. She reminded me of some sort of barbie.

"You're so lazy" I said.

"Awe thanks you're so sweet. I was blessed with such a nice best friend." I just roll my eyes and continue walking.

"You look tired. What happened?" She said.

"I didn't get much sleep last night"

"Hmm." She said. I knew she wanted to ask more but didn't push it any further which I was thankful for.

"Did you finish the English homework?" I asked her. She stopped walking and gave me a 'are you serious' look.

"You act like you don't know me. Have I ever done my homework before?" She said. I pretend to think about it and she smacks my arm. "C'mon class is about to start" She practically dragged me to class which I was dreading so much. I already knew this day was going to be a living hell.

Hello my wonderful readers. So this is the first chapter of FLTH. Hope you guys enjoyed and keep reading for more. Please like, comment and share (:

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