Twenty One

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I grinned and pushed back my wet hair from my face. "You're pretty funny. I like that."

Jami went under the shower to rinse off her shampooed hair. "Thanks for the compliment handsome."

She moved toward my body to kiss me and I let her. Her hand roamed my chest to my abdomen and that was pleasurable in a way. No emotions ran through me though. I guessed I wasn't attracted to her like that. I was trying everything in my power to genuinely smile at her presence and it wasn't working.

"Let me wash out my fat and long circumcised dick."No way I wanted that. Getting my condomless dick inside her could cause an unwanted pregnancy and I seriously didn't want to be a father now.

Jami laughed. "I think you said too much, Caleb. Are you high?"

"I'm not high. I don't do drugs girl." I stroked my hard manhood and that made Jami clear her throat. She wanted me to penetrate her.

"Do you listen to what you say?" She asked in a low voice. That girl was horny just by seeing my hard and ready manhood.

"Do you want him soon?" I asked. There was no need to answer her question. The main focus was my manhood. "It can't wait to destroy that vagina today baby. Go to the bed and open those legs up for me. Let me smash that shit up."

Jami washed out herself and left the shower quickly. Things some girls could do for some good smashing. I grabbed a condom from a cabinet and went to the room with it.


We had family over. My cousins Fred and Meris were playing a game on an Xbox. Fred pulled Meris's brown pigtails when he was angry with her about something. The two were three years apart. Meris was the oldest, exactly my age.

Well, Meris placed the controller on the table and eyed me. "Hey, cousin. Merry Christmas," she said, coming my way.

"Merry Christmas."

She kissed me on my lips, as well as my throat, and hugged me up. I got that she loved me but come on. "This is inappropriate," I told her.

She shrugged. "You know I admire you."

I cleared my throat. "Please don't do this again."

Fred waved at me as usual. He wasn't a fan of hugs. "It's nice to see you guys." I moved to the Christmas tree and scanned the gifts that were underneath it. There were a lot of presents and I wondered what most of them had inside them.

"What did you buy me?" Meris asked. I never had time to answer her question. Why would I tell her anyway? She laid her hand against my back and took it away when Jami showed up in the living room with a book. Meris needed help as soon as possible.

"Can I talk to you about something? Let us go to the kitchen," Meris said. She looked me over. "I love that Christmas tree sweater. It looks cute on you." That was a sweater I bought online a month ago. I wore it with red jeans and it brightened up my look.

"Thanks." I walked with her to the kitchen to listen to what she had to say.

"Are you dating this girl now? I thought you were in a relationship with Olivia?"

"Yeah. Her name is Jami and I've been dating her for a short time."

"I'm glad you are not with Olivia anymore. I do not like her." Meris whispered, "I heard you were dating a Black girl. How did that go?" She looked around the room for any presence.

"My parents didn't want her for me. You know how the family rules work. Let's not talk about it."

"Do you love her?" Meris squinted and fixed the glasses she had on. "What was her name again?"

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