Today, when her daughter arrived, I saw her eyes light up for the first time in months. They truly loved one another. She looked so much like the little Lily I remembered.  I really wanted to go hug my niece but I held myself back. She was an emotional wreck because of her father and she needed her mother's love. Not her aunt’s horror.

I did not go anywhere near my niece, but everyone pampered this girl and showered her with love. I could see so much of Rudra in her. In these few months she had loved and taught Caroline well. I was proud of her and her upbringing as well as how she had brought up Caroline, even if it lasted only a few months.

Their love was so apparent that we were all moved to tears. Caroline made every effort to understand our family customs. She knew many already. Rudra stood back and let her daughter interact with everyone. You could see her face shining with pride as she saw her daughter woo the family.

It was an achievement for Rudra. We were proud of our little girl just as she was of hers.

I enjoyed watching the interaction, watching Caroline seamlessly become a part of this family in just a few days. But seeing her, her mannerisms, her nuances, even her reactions reminded me of my brother; it reminded me of the guilt I carried, of the hell this family had to go through.

I decided it was time for action. I could and would do something for my family, they deserved better than this. The family had sold a lot of its prized possessions and mortgaged many to stand up again. We all had contributed and we were now taking baby steps towards something solid, towards a better future. Every one stood together and we could move this fast only because of the sheer number of our family, our love and loyalty.

I am proud that I can call them my own. But now, I would contribute too. I could move forward without hurting my Papa. I wouldn't be breaking any promises. I would never ask him, my pathetic brother to reconcile with Rudy. Everyone had begun looking for a guy for Rudra. We wanted her to marry, to have a good life. Hopefully, we would find a man who would accept Rudy and her unborn child just like this family and Shiva had accepted me.

After thinking things through, I spoke with Shiva and took his permission. Then I bought a new sim card and after thinking everything through I decided how and when to best approach the problem. One night, when everyone slept, I went to the terrace and sat under the moon. I took a deep breath and dialed his number.

I had copied it from Rudy's under the pretext of making a call. She still had his pictures on her cell and would stare at it for hours if she thought we weren't looking. I knew she felt something for him. We all could see it. But we did not want her to. We wanted her to forget that bastard.

"Hello..." He answered...

"Jake? It’s Cilia here."


Silence greeted me. I could hear him breath but I waited for him to speak. Did he recognize my voice?

"Ce...Ce.... I...mean...Cilia?" He whispered.

I almost sobbed," Yes Jake.... it... it’s me little gu...guy.." I whispered.

"You are alive? NO! IS THIS SOME PATHETIC JOKE?" He almost yelled at me.

"NO Sweet cheeks, I am CECE..." I answered calling him with his childhood name. 

"But Dad said, you died?" he asked uncertainly.

"Dad, well, that man lied. He tried to kill me, but I survived and I tried to find you for years, but you were missing. Recently I found out that you had changed your name. Why?"

"Why else but to get away from that bastard of our father!" He replied in anger.

"Can we meet?" I asked uncertainly.

"Where are you Cece? How are you?? We will meet. Where do I come?" He spoke like the child I remembered him as, curious, impatient and enthusiastic. 

I laughed and answered. "I am in Canada. I am doing very well and have a beautiful family. Come to Vancouver."

"Canada? I'll come tomorrow. I’ll take the first available flight. Where do I come then? Where is your house?"

"We will meet at the airport. I will come to pick you up. But please, be warned that my accident was horrific. I am no longer beautiful and young. I will have someone holding your name on a plaque card. I will sit in a car. Please, if after meeting me, you find that you cannot look at my face, tell me, I will leave."

"Cece, I cannot ever bear not to look at you okay. We will meet soon."


Morning came soon and I reached Vancouver with Shiva as soon as Jake gave me the flight details. He stood outside to wait for my brother while I hid in the car. I was worried. I was excited. I was ashamed. I was in conflict, my brother and the enemy to my family…

What if he couldn't bear to look at me? What if my family found out and Papa stopped speaking with me? 

I was meeting him after years. My little chubby brother, he had a big daughter now. Should I hug him and pull his cheeks? Should I formally shake his hand?

Why did my family always hurt the Rathore Clan? What an awful person I was going to meet! I was excited about meeting this bastard, this man who had destroyed my family and our business. This man, who had hurt my niece and broken her heart, seduced her and abandoned her.


Uh? I looked up to find Jake sitting beside me, starring at my face in horror. Tears rolled down his handsome face as he looked at me. Soon, we were hugging each other, holding each other in our arms as if afraid to let go. 20 years, 20 long years I had spent, searching for my brother. Hoping, praying that he be returned to me soon. 

My prayers were finally answered today, but I wasn't ecstatic. I wasn't happy. I wouldn't be screaming over roof tops. I would hide him as if he was some dirty old secret, as if he was a piece of …

"How have you been Cece? Who is your husband?" He whispered.

"The man outside, who brought you here, he is Shiva, my husband and Rudra's elder brother, remember the guy I loved? Oh yaa, he also happens to be the younger uncle of Rudra, your daughter's mother. "I introduced my husband to a pale man.

White with fear...................................... 


I know its short....

but please accept this....

a longer one comes out soon...


Handcuffed Bliss - Watty Awards... 2012Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant