After I tired myself out I laid on the ground on my stomach and thought about tomorrow.

Why did they even wanna hangout with me?

They were famous. Didn't they have girlfriends or girls from girl groups they wanted to hang out with?

I guess it's fine as long as I have plans tomorrow.

"Y/n, Dinner!" my mom yells and I sprint out of my room and down the stairs.

Food was the only thing I cared about at the moment.

Food is life.
"How do you like your new school?" My mom asks as we begin to eat our dinner.

"It's pretty good. I already made a decent amount of friends." I say and my dad smiles.

"I told you you'd be okay." he says and I brush it off, knowing he was right.

"So, do you have plans for tomorrow?" My mom asks and I nod while taking a sip of my drink.

"Hm, really? What do you have planned?" She asks.

"Well the members of Bts go to my school and they invited me to come over tomorrow." I say and my parents look at me shocked.

"That's great. I bet you're happy!" my mom say smiling and I nod.

"I'm leaving for my business trip tomorrow and your dad is leaving the day after. You're welcome to have your friends over here whenever but not for too long." my mom says and I nod and continue to eat.

My parents both had really good and important jobs so I was used to being home by myself.

It was okay though because I could have a dance party in the living room and just do whatever I wanted basically.

After we ate I went back up to my room and plugged in my phone while playing my music louder.

This time playing bts' no more dream.

I looked over at my desk and sighed when I seen the pictures of my friends.

I miss them all so much.

I wonder if they'd be able to come visit sometime or if I could go there.

Hopefully soon.

I look over at the time and it reads 3am.

I should probably sleep..
When I wake up the next morning I hop into the shower then go pick out my clothes.

Afterwards, I looked at myself in the mirror to approve of the outfit I had chosen.

Just as I was about to sit down, I heard my phone go off.

Jungkookie🍪: where would you like to meet? The guys are sending me.

Y/n🌷: um, the park is fine.

Jungkookie🍪: okay, see you soon!

With that I headed out. I walked to the park and looked around.

Once I spotted Jungkook I walked over to him.

His muscles were majorly showing in the tank top he was wearing but I was trying not to stare.

That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

"Hey." I say and he looks up at me and smiles.

"You look good." he says.

"Thanks, so do you." He says and he motions for me to follow him so I do.

On the way to their dorm we make small talk about his meet and greets and other things the band was doing again soon.

When we get to the dorm we go inside where I'm greeted by the others.

"Hey y/n! You look so pretty today!" V says popping up in my view.

"Thank you." I say as I mess with the sleeve on my cardigan.

"Y/n's here!" Jungkook yells and the others come out into the living room.

They all compliment me which makes me become a little flustered.

"What should we do?" J-hope asks, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"We could go get some food." Jungkook suggests and everyone's up for the idea so that's what we do.

Today should be fun.

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