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Harry showed the contract, that Liam had been signed and approved, perhaps against his will?

"So he wont destroy us?"

Harry was calm and he nodded.

"He, he can't talk about it with anyone other than the lawyer."

Niall felt some resistance. Yet he was calm over that Harry had so carefully made sure that Liam couldn't destroy them.

"And if he talks to me again?"

Harry swallowed.

"Avoid him." he whispered in reply. "I'm sure Liam is as dangerous as Simon once was, and even as Ed was. They're all three wrong product from my old life."

Niall agreed and he gave back the papers.

"So this don't affect me?" He looked up at Harry's eyes. "I mean, you didn't have sex, and he wont go after Olivia?"

Harry chose to smile.

"I promise you that he's just a crap from my old life. That's all."


Gemma groaned. She brought panic into the hall and immediately she threw herself on the floor.

"She's coming."

Niall also got panic.

"But it's more than a month....?"

Harry was fast and he helped her to sit on a chair, then he picked up the phone and called an ambulance. Niall was placed in front of Gemma and took calming her hand.

"Are you sure?"

Gemma looked up at him and she nodded. She was breathing strangely and she showed the entire body that she was in pain.

"She is coming."


Niall wanted to be calm, but the only thing that went through his head was that this was premature. They went in with speed to the hospital. Harry sat quiet next to Niall, but Niall tried to talk to Gemma and get her to be quiet. He held her hand tightly, and she searched for his consolation.

"It will be fine."

She smiled weakly.

"No, but thank you for trying."

Niall frowned.

"The doctors have taken care of premature babies before." he had hope in his voice. "And I'm sure that Olivia will be fine."


It was like a nightmare. They came into a delivery room and the room was quickly filled with doctors and other people who would take care of the child. Harry chose to stand at the door and he looked on with horror in his eyes. Damn, this wasn't the way he had planned it all. He felt hopelessness, but Niall seemed to hope for something more. Niall was beside Gemma and Harry was grateful for that. Niall was the person of those who always managed to do the right thing. Harry was the opposite.

"Push!" shouted the doctor to Gemma. He stood between her legs and he seemed to understand that this was wrong. Harry closed his eyes, and he saw before him the funeral, as it would look like. He didn't want to hope for something that was hopeless.

"One more time!" he heard the doctor say. "Push one last time. The head is almost here and soon it's over."

Harry swallowed. He felt the air ran out and before he could regain the ability to think, he fainted.

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