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Niall put the clothes in the dresser drawer. He turned around and he looked around the room. The whole nursery was now ready for a child. The walls were white. The furniture was in the colors green and natural brown. In the window hung the new curtains and Harry had also put there a potted plant. The baby cot was standing on the floor and gaping big against the ceiling. Niall felt butterflies in his stomach. It was as if everything was clear, but the most important thing was missing. Niall swallowed and he thought about the child. Would it be a boy or a girl? What names did they had on the draft? Would Harry try or would he give Niall the responsibility? Yes, there were so many questions, but Niall couldn't challenge this, not anymore.

Niall then went into their own bedroom. Yes, he went into the playroom and he smiled a little bit. Niall had thought that they would be there when the urge came up. Niall had secretly expanded the toys, but he had chosen not to buy whips or the tools as Harry was so used to have. No, if they would have a future together, it would be on both their conditions. Niall had actually realized that he had the same needs as Harry, but in a different way. He walked up to the table and he smiled at the big dildo. Yes, that was what attracted Niall and he was actually happy that he had found what he, himself, liked. It had taken him a while to get used to the idea that he needed more than just Harry's big thing, but because Harry liked it, Niall chose to accept it fully.


"So what is it you need?" Harry got up and he sat down behind the desk. "I can't buy that you want to play games with me, as you do all the time. It's not normal, and..."

Liam interrupted him. He sat down on the other side of the desk and he smiled big.

"Let's say I get paid to do this."

Harry gulped and he stared at him.

"From who?"

Liam laughed a little and he seemed almost amused.

"A person with money."

Harry snorted.

"I have money. I can give you a large sum just to avoid this. Is it money you want?"

Liam shook his head.

"No, not really." he replied quickly. "Let's put it this way. We have a mutual friend who's no longer with us."

Harry came up with only one single name.


Liam nodded happily.

"And I was the person who inherited his hole life, but on one condition." He looked straight into Harry's eyes. "Simon's last wish was that I would continue where he left off, but allow you to take over his role."

Harry didn't know if he should laugh or cry.

"You mean, seriously...?"

Liam nodded.

"Yes, that's why I recorded, with a hidden camera, our first meeting and I recorded what has just happened with my mobile. The lawyer will need proof of every month and I do it for the money."

Harry realized that this was something extraordinary.

"How much money are we talking about?"

Liam grinning cold.

"Lots of money and a house and a few cars and some more."

Harry groaned and he leaned back in his chair.


Liam laughed a little bit and he took his hand through his own hair.

"Simon felt that he wants to have power over you, even when he's dead. By me, his memory will remain. I will be utilized by you in the same way as he took advantage of you. You could say that it repeated itself after he went away to heaven."

Harry grunted.

"And how can we both be winners?"

Liam put his finger thoughtfully over his mouth and he frowned.

"There's no solution for that. I have to meet you at least four times a month, have fun with you and show evidence to the lawyer. I don't know how to go bypass that?"

Harry pulled his hands through his hair and tried to think.

"But if I record when I and Niall have sex?" he got up. "You can then edit it together with your voice, thus excluding Nialls voice and replace it with your voice?"

Liam became interested.

"You mean we're going to fool the lawyer?"

Harry nodded tired.

"Yes!" he replied hoarsely and quickly. "I don't want you as a lover, even though you offer me things as I miss. I want to be with my husband and be faithful, especially in these times."

Liam got up a smile.

"But I need a lot of sound recording to do that."

Harry snorted.

"It's easily done." he replied quickly. "Niall and I are pretty crazy when it comes to that part."

Liam laughed a little bit.

"So that blonde Irishman is hot, after all?"

Harry looked coldly up at Liam.

"And he's mine!" he said hoarse. "You don't mix him up in this."

Liam held up his hands to show that he was on the notes.

"It's okay!" he murmured back. "Let's say that you leave a recording every the week and I will solve the rest?"

Harry chose to nod, because there was no other solution to the problem.

"And you keep your mouth shut about this!"

Liam nodded happily.

"But I get to keep my stuff and all that he gave me, then I'm happy."

Harry swallowed. He realized one thing.

"I will let my lawyer to make a contract of this and you will sign that contract!"

Liam looked up.

"It sounds..."

Harry snorted.

"It's the same as you do now. We delude your lawyer, but we have a contract over the rules that must be followed!" he replied quickly. "And if you break that contract, I will charge you for more than what you get from Simon."

For the first time did Liam reacted. He became serious and he almost seemed to understand.


Harry nodded happily.

"I'll let you know when that will be done next week and you'll sign the contract. Then you get all my recording, and you can do the job and keep what he giving you...."

Liam chose to nod.


Harry stared at him, so that he became quiet.

"And if Niall will find out one single thing as we agreed on or done, I literally will tell the truth to your lawyer and contact the police."

Liam become totally quiet. he just sat and stared at Harry. For once, Harry had power and he had that control as he wanted.

"Something more?" he asked after that. Liam shook his head and immediately showed Harry that face that spoke that it was over. "I have work to do, so you have to leave office now."

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