Chapter 15 •

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A week later and Dan was still ignoring and avoiding all situations that involved talking or making contact with me.

But I was ok I guess for a 'teenage girl who had been through a lot' as Phil had put it. I helped out with the baby a lot and was often seen taking Desi for walks around London with Ashley as we caught Pokémon in the local park (ps I am obsessed with this game but I can't go out and catch Pokémon at the moment because I am sick and can't go outside).

I've been sleeping in the gaming room on the sofa bed all week. It was actually pretty fun and spacious and I slept a lot better.

But deep down... I do miss Dan.

If he wasn't such a dick... maybe we would still be together right now.

I sigh, needing video ideas, "PHIL!" I yell from where I was sitting on my 'bed'.

He appears at my doorway, "Yeah?"

"Got any good video ideas?" I ask, "I have none."

Phil thinks for a second, "Maybe a snapchat QnA? They are always fun to watch."

I nod as I tweet out; hey guys, about to record a snapchat QnA! You have 10 minutes to send in your questions! 💕

Phil then disappears as we hear Desi cry and Ashley has gone out to buy milk (and probably enjoy the time without the baby).

I post my tweet and watch as my phone goes ballistic with snapchat and twitter notifications.

Smiling to myself, I set up my camera in the living room.

I click the button and begin filming


"Hey guys, Willow here and today I am going to be doing a snapchat QnA! If you didn't know I had snapchat, my username will be down below as well as links to some of my other social medias!

You guys have been sending in so many questions for me to answer I can't believe it! So lets get into the video!"

Question 1; a girl with blonde hair using the dog filter.
"How did it feel to become an Aunty to Desi also I love you and your videos b-"

"I guess it cut you off saying bye. But it is honestly amazing to be an aunty to Desi. She is so sweet and gentle and I can't wait to see how she will turn out to be like in the future!"

Question 2; a boy in a tiger onesie with the hood up
"Hey Willow I was wondering how you deal with hare comments because when I tried doing YouTube I got a lot so I quit-"

"Honestly when I got my first hate comment, it messed me up a lot. But my brother and his roommate helped me through the process so of it so I got more use to it. You just need to tell yourself that as your making your videos and you enjoy it at the same time, you need to know that those sending you hate are probably jealous of you doing something you enjoy."

Question 3; girl who has the flower crown filter
"When will you do another collab with Dan? I love your Wan videos together. Love you."

I laugh, "That might not be for a while. Me and Dan have... fallen out badly and are in a rough patch-"


I look at the camera, "Well there you go then. You found out the same time I did. We're not going out any more."

I paused for a second, knowing I can edit this bit out.

Wow... we had broken up, just after we git back together because of me getting stupid amnesia.

I sigh, pulling myself back together to continue with the video.

Question 4; girl with a cap on backwards
"Have you played Pokémon Go yet?"

"Yep and I am obsessed! And even though it isn't officially out in the UK, my good friend KickthePj sent me a link to get it! And if it isn't available for you
In your country yet, I'll leave a link down below so you can enjoy it just as much as me!"

(This is what I actually did and it worked)

Question 5; boy with his hair in a quiff
"What equipment do you use to record your videos? Because your videos are always amazing."

"I use-"

"What are you doing?" Dan asks as he barges into the living room, scaring me half to death.

"Geez Dan, warn me next time yeah?" I say sarcastically.

He just grunts in response.

"Just recording a video for your information," I say as I turn back to the camera to continue, "As I was saying-"

"Can't you move?" Dan asks.

"LEAVE HER ALONE DAN!" I hear Phil call.

"I can't just 'move'," I say, "I'm recording a video."

"But I want to watch anime..."

"Not as though you don't have a laptop you can watch it on in your room," I shrug.

"But I've been in my room all week-"

"Not my fault. You could have left your room beforehand. You could have come out and walked the baby or gone on Pokémon Go which requires you to move..."

"For god sake is it really that hard for you to just fucking move?" Dan snaps.

Geez temper much. Someone's obviously still on there man period.

"Let me think about that... er, No!" I say sarcastically, "I'm recording a video for my fans. Maybe you should record one too."

"I can't be bothered right now." He replies.

God he is so fucking LAZY!

"Dan for the second time just leave her ALONE!" Phil snaps as he enters the room, "Can't you see she's busy?"

Dan huffs before leaving the room.

I turn off my camera as Phil sits next to me, placing Desi on my lap to make me feel better, "He's just being a idiot."

"I know," I say with a sigh, "It's just... I've had a crush oh Dan for five years, about one of them I was in a relationship with him."

"I know it's hard Willow but-"

"It's really hard Phil..." I say sadly.

He hugs me and I stroke Desi's head as dark brown hairs was beginning to grow from her head.

"I need to carry on with my video-" I go to carry on when at the same time we have Ashley calling that she was back and then the loud booming of Muse music.

"Jesus Chris," Phil moans as Desi begin to cry from the music, putting his head in his hands.

I sigh, piking up Desi, "Do you want me to take Desi out as you sort Dan out?" I say as Phil looks and smiles at me weakly.

"Thanks Willow. i'll pack your equipment away if you want?"

"Yes please, I'll finish the video off later," I say and going downstairs and opening up the pram, I take Desi out towards the park.

Phil Lester's Sister // PART IIWhere stories live. Discover now