"Fine, just get out would you?" He obliged but not without shutting the door more forcefully than he normally would. Cas groaned and rolled his eyes as he hears his younger brothers snickering.

Gabriel had gotten ready earlier so he could hide his stashes of candy in his backpack. He restocked the other day but hasn't been able to pack his bag with them.

When he's satisfied with it he grabs a cherry lollipop and runs down to the kitchen where Anna is calling them down.

Their parents had abandoned them
a few years back and Anna and Michael had taken over. Mostly because they were the oldest two and had already graduated college. Michael was older than Anna by a year, but they still both pretty much did all they could to take care of their siblings.

Cas drags himself into the kitchen where the smell of pancakes and bacon fill the room. He sighs happily and sits down at the table.

Gabe, Michael, Anna, and Hannah, were already sitting there. "What took you so long loser?" Says Anna with a smile.

He just rolled his eyes and got up to make his plate and pour a cup of coffee.

"Alright, so. I'm driving you guys to school. All except Hannah of course," says Michael. Hannah was the only one with a car. They all had licenses but gabe, but she had saved up enough money to buy one.

They finished getting ready just as Michael started getting irritated. "Seriously how long does it take to get dressed and comb your hair?!"

"Well you see there Mikky, although I am already perfect, the hair tops it all off with fabulousness," Gabe walks past his brother and heads towards the car. A lollipop is sticking out of his mouth and he pulls himself into the backseat.

Cas's hair is wild and messy, there really isn't much he can do about it. He's heard people describe it as awful, dirty, sexy, and people have commented it as being 'sex hair'.

He rolled his eyes and pulled on his old converse.  He rushed past Michael to the car and accidentally knocks the wind out of him with his backpack. "Sorry Michael," he says with a guilty smile.

" 'S fine," he's still holding his stomach but he reassures Cas anyways.

Once everyone is in the car they start driving to school.


Dean pulls up to Lawrence's local high school, he turns off the loud engine and as soon as he walks out of the car he's greeted with flirty smiles and winks.

Sam gets out of the passenger side unnoticed, which he's thankful for. He may be friendly but it doesn't mean he's friendly enough to get along with people acting as someone they're not.

To him, that what high school was: a place where fake people gather and learn things unimportant to the real world. Despite disliking it, he always does pretty well in school. He wants to be a lawyer and he need to prove to himself that he can.

The school is only two stories high but it's still huge. He doesn't know if he'll find his classes on time.

First Sam and Dean go to the long line to get their schedules. Although Dean is surrounded by at least three people. He can't find Charlie or Jo anywhere.
Almost every minute there are about 5-6 people getting there schedule, but it still seems to take forever.

Dean jokes around with his senior friend Benny while they're waiting, "so you and Lisa huh?" Laughs Benny.

"Dude shut up, you know we aren't together. We're just friends!" Sam can confirm that, he isn't into Lisa, Dean told him that earlier. So that if people asked him, he could just answer honestly.

Detention Sabriel/DestielOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora