"Well, uh, maybe?"

"It's a simple yes or no question, boy."

"Y- yes."

There's a long pause and then the woman is speaking again, but this time in a softer voice and to me.

"Hey now, no need to cry. What happened?" She asks me and I try to stop my crying - not because she asked but because it made my headache fifty times worse.

"I d-don't kn-know." I choke out and the woman sighs.

"Kyle, did you have sex with this young lady?" His mother asks him and he doesn't answer. "Kyle...."

"It's none of your business mum!" He cries out and the woman sighs again. "Can-can you leave Skylar and I alone for a second?"

I whimper and the woman seems to hesitate but sighs, once more, then leaves.

"Skylar?" Kyle says softly and his footsteps near me until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Pl-please don't..." I whisper and he breathes in sharply.


"Don't!" I shout and face him suddenly. "You purposely got me drunk so you could have sėx with me!"

Pain registers on his face. "Skylar, just let me explain." I sob into my hands, ignoring him.

All my life I've told myself to save my v-card, for someone I love and who loves me and I lost it to some random Australian while the guy I love made out, possibly more, with a chick under a bridge.

"Skylar-" Kyle begins but I shakily stand up.

"We should go downstairs..." I whisper and he gulps, standing up as well.

"But I just need-"

"I should get dressed." I croak out and slowly walk back to Kyle's room. I feel his eyes on me the entire time and it make tears fall faster. Entering his room, I shut the door behind me and lock it. I stumble over to my clothes before collapsing onto knees, silent sobs quaking through my body. I bring a hand to my mouth and force it hard into my mouth, not wanting any sound to escape. Tears blur my vision and my body shivers with anxiety.

A sob surges me forward and I place my hands down to stop me from falling over, my left hand hitting my phone, still in the back pocket of my jeans.

The band.






They'll be so disgusted and ashamed to have me as a daughter.

I gingerly pull it out of the pocket and blink rapidly to try and clear the tears. They land on my phone screen but I ignore them as I click the power button. My eyes widen slightly when I see the time - 1:30pm - but more so because of my notifications.

Adopted by Pentatonix (#Power10)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora