Untitled Part 36

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* Harmony's POV *

  A lot has happened over the past year. Zachary and I are no longer together, I've decided to find how much I was worth and to finally put myself before everyone else besides my kids. It took me a while to notice how much I was worth and to understand why I set my standards so low for one person who couldn't appreciate the littlest things  I did. 

I've tried so hard to make our relationship work but as always I was the only one putting forth effort. He tried in the beginning I give him that, but once he noticed I was starting to get comfortable again: he stopped trying. All the pain,suffering and betrayal I went through just to make ends meet to make him happy. He couldn't do the same for me, suddenly it was too much for him and of course I was "asking for too much". 

The day Zachary and I separated it was probably the worst day. I had never been so ashamed at myself for what I had gone through... once again. Yet again I allowed Zachary to hurt me. I let him in after this man mentally, emotionally and physically abused me, but there's no one to blame but me. I was the fool to trust his words, I take full responsibility, but at the same time who else was gonna take the blame? Zachary isn't man enough to admit in his wrong doings, but yet I forgave him. I forgave him but deep down inside I knew I couldn't trust him or love him like I did before. It would of seemed like eternity: like putting a broken glass back together.

If I knew my worth and how strong I was, I could of ended it with him and I wouldn't be hurt again. I still had fight left in me and I didn't want to let him go. Constantly telling myself "he loves me, he won't do it again." I was so sure because of everything he said to me. His way of words were so good he could of been an amazing actor. Now I've learned my lesson, I don't need a man to make me feel good or to entertain me. I've got my kids and my foundation that I'm rebuilding with newer and much stronger materials, that won't fall down this time. 

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