"Why did you go out drinking by yourself anyway?" Blake asked, frowning.

"I wanted to go with Sasha but she was going out with The Vamps, so I decided I would just go alone" Evie explained, not wanting to tell Blake that she didn't want to go with any of them.

"Why didn't you ask one of us to come?"

"I wasn't really thinking" Evie replied, although the real reason was because she was drinking to get her mind off of the guys, so having them there would kind of defeat the point in Evie getting drunk.

"Right" The two fell into silence again and Evie let her eyes close. The paracetamol hadn't kicked in yet and her head was still hurting like hell. She felt Blake's head rest on hers and she smiled slightly, as Evie was very affectionate towards people she loved and these small affectionate moments always made her happy.

That was until the moment was ruined, at least.

Evie's eyes opened at the sound of Blake's phone dinging. Blake reached to the bedside table and picked it up before reading his new message, which Evie read over his shoulder.

From: Chloe <3

Hey me george and L r going 2 the arcade wanna come?

Evie shivered at the lack of grammar and punctuation, cringing at the text.

To: Chloe <3

Yeah sounds great! I spent the night at a mate's house so I need to quickly rush home and change. I'll meet you there in around half an hour?

"Hey Evie I've got to go" Blake stated once finishing his text, getting up from Evie's bed. Evie frowned but didn't say anything as Blake quickly got dressed. "Evie I need my top" Evie huffed and pulled Blake's t-shirt over her head before throwing it to the boy, who quickly slipped it on. "I'll see you later" Blake gave Evie a quick hug before he left, not realising Evie had seen the text.

So you're just going to abandon me for some girl that you met like a month ago? That's fine. Totally fine. I'm not salty at all.

Evie groaned and got out of bed, before grabbing her phone and speakers, then shuffling into the bathroom and stepping into the shower. She felt disgusting and sweaty, so thought a refreshing shower with some uplifting music could help improve her mood. And surprisingly, it did. Evie turned the volume up to full and belted out the lyrics, getting lost in her own world.

When she was clean she stepped out of the shower and took her speakers into her room, before drying and putting on a clean set of underwear. Standing in front of her mirror, she sprayed some heat protection spray into her hair and brushed it, before turning on her hairdryer.

Poison by Nicole Scherzinger blared through Evie's speakers and she started to sing along and dance, her hairdryer blowing her wet blonde hair off her shoulders as she lost herself in the song.

"THAT BAD GIRL POWER I GOT, I'LL ABUSE IT TONIGHT, CAUSE TONIGHT GOT POISON ON MY MIND!" Evie screeched to her reflection, not realising that Reece was stood laughing at her from the doorway of his room. When the song ended, Reece started to applaud his friend and Evie jumped, her heart beating wildly. "Reece!" Evie picked up a pillow "You scared the shit out of me!" she shouted, throwing it at the, still laughing, boy.

"Maybe you should go to the toilet then" Reece snickered, earning another pillow to his head.

"You owe me money for that personal concert, Bibby" Evie glared her eyes at the boy, who laughed and plopped himself down onto her bed. "What, pay you money which could instead be going towards the hearing aid I need after hearing your screeching? I don't think so" Evie groaned and flopped next to him, her head resting on his chest (Luckily her hair was dry by this point).

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