Noticed By Senpai.

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"And then he gave me three lunchtime detentions and told me to apologise to prickface" Evie finished her story, her head leaning on Reece's shoulder, panting slightly because she hadn't given herself much time to stop and breathe during her explanation of the day's events. They'd walked out the back of block three and sat on a bench, out of sight from the school, as the distressed girl told her friend what had happened.

"That sucks. Are your detentions with him?" The boy questioned, and Evie could feel his shoulder move as he turned to look down at her.

"God, I hope not. I hate him so much" The 16-year-old seethed, turning her head so her forehead was resting on Reece's shoulder as she squeezed her eyes shut. She was thankful that he had come to calm her down because she knew that she probably would have gone on another rampage. The blonde assumed that Blake had texted him, telling him that she had gone to the Headmaster's office and he had made his way over, seeing as he had a free. The perks of being in Sixth Form. "Come on, we should probably get going; school's nearly over" The blonde boy announced, letting Evie take her head off of his shoulder before he stood and pulled her up too. The two were silent for a bit, until the girl questioned: "Wanna come over?" Reece didn't have to think much before answering with a nod, as they were at the girl's house pretty much everyday anyway.

"Want me to text the boys?" He asked the girl who hummed in agreement - she was too tired to form a proper response, even though all she needed to do was say one word. Opening her mouth just seemed like too much effort in that moment. The blonde boy shot both George and Blake a text, telling them to meet at Evie's before tucking his phone into his pocket. The two were silent once again as they walked out of the school gates, collecting their thoughts, before Reece spoke up. "Hey Evie, wanna hear a joke?" The boy was smirking at the girl, who instantly adopted a cringing expression.

"Oh god" The blonde girl muttered, nodding hesitantly, preparing to be filled with regret at her answer.

"Did you hear the one about the magic tractor?" Reece paused for 'dramatic effect' as he liked to call it. "It was driving down the road when it suddenly turned into a field!" The boy burst into laughter, obviously finding his joke amazingly funny. The girl shook her head and uttered a 'wow', but still found herself chuckling slightly - not at the joke, but at the one who told it.

"Come on, that was better than yesterday's joke" Reece spat through his laughter, trying his best to calm down from his laughing fit. It was a stupid tradition for the blonde boy to tell Evie bad jokes, which had come about the first time her parents left her home alone whilst they went on a business trip. Normally she would have a babysitter who stayed in their house and looked after her, but The Carter-Green's swiftly fired the babysitter when a stack of money went missing. It was Evie who had taken the money, but she would never admit that to her parents. Reece would call the girl every evening before she went to bed and tell her a bad joke that he had found online, knowing that she got scared when she was home alone at night and hoping that he could make her feel better. The teenager had since grown out of the fear, used to being alone at night now, however they hadn't out-grown the tradition; whenever he had a new joke he would tell it to the girl, and if she wasn't there to appreciate it then he would text it to her, just to make sure she didn't miss out.

"I suppose so" The blonde girl admitted, still smiling at the stupid joke and her friend who was half laughing, half choking. Hot, you're really going to get a girlfriend looking like that, Reece.

"Hey, guys! Wait up!" Evie turned to see Blake and George jogging towards them. "Leaving without us, were you?" George questioned, cocking his eyebrow "That's pretty rude guys"

"Sorry, how are you out so early?" The girl asked, trying her best not to laugh as her two friends panted at the jogging they had done, especially George seeing as he didn't have to do PE anymore. Despite doing little to no exercise, both boys were still as thin as twigs. It pissed Evie off, because if she ate even a square of chocolate then she seemed to double in weight. It was probably a bad thing that she ate so many tubs of Ben and Jerry's, then, but she wouldn't quit. It was too good. Reece had a six pack because he actually bothered to go to the gym, but he had been slacking as of late.

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