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           They drove back home. "MATT AND RYAN!! SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR FRIEND!!!!" Harper shouted taking her shoes off.

"Mark you have more then two friends know. You have four." Jack cheered.

"You guys are the best people I've ever met. Thank you." Mark hugged them all.

It was 10:30 at night. All of them where watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. Someone came knocking on the door. "I'll get it." Ken insisted. Ken unlocked the door. He quickly locked the outside door. "I'm not opening the door... I am not opening the door." Ken shouted. Mark looked out the door.

"Shit... Shit shit shit..." Mark put his hands over his face. "It's Matt and Ryan.. If they see me in these clothes... They'll hurt me.." Mark grabbed his bag.

"What do you mean hurt you?" Jack asked moving close to Mark.

"If I don't do what they tell me to do... They either cut me, lock me in my room, don't feed me, or beat me. That's why I'm changing." Mark whispered.

"Wait- right here?!" Jack shouted.

"If I go to the bathroom they'll see me." Before Jack could say anything Mark took his pants off. Jack grabbed Harper and closed her eyes.

"Go away, Matt and Ryan!!" Harper shouted.

"Someone we need is in there!!" They shouted back.

"Who??!!" Harper teased.

"Oh!!! Little girl!! You just wait!!!" Matt shouted.

"Don't talk to her that way, ye bastard!!" Jack shouted. "Mark are you done yet? If you aren't, hurry!!" Jack whispered.

"I'm done." Mark got up and walked towards the door as he put on his sunglasses. "What do you want?"

"Come on where going to that club 101 I think... Who cares!! Come on." Ryan commanded. All of them looked at Mark. Mark looked at them.

"O-okay. Just go in my car. I'll get my stuff and meet you outside..." Mark scratched his head. Jack looked at him then looked away. "Wait!!" Matt and Ryan turned around. "I'm done. I want to spend my life with Jack. Not you guys... I have new clothes, new friends that actually care about me. I'm done talking shit about people. So buh bye." Mark slammed the door. "Okay now I'm gonna go change..." Mark grabbed his bag. But Jack grabbed his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"You really did change." Jack smiled. Mark hugged Jack and Jack hugged Mark. Harper got in the hug same with Ken and Felix. Mark walked to the bathroom.

"Jack you love Mark." Harper whispered.

"N-no I don't!!" Jack blushed.

"Mark loves you." Felix teased.

"He does!!??" Jack asked excited. All three of them laughed. "Ah, you son of a bitch!!!" Jack shouted. All of them laughed.

In marks head...

Ah man I'm getting dizzy... Just open the door Mark. Just open the door. Mark opened the door. He almost fell to the floor but he grabbed the wall before he did. "J-Jack..." Mark asked walking down the stairs slowly.

" Yeah?" Jack got off the couch.

"My pills... I think they fell out my bag. I need them right now, there in a red bottle." Mark wasn't halfway down the stairs yet.

"Found them!!" Jack shouted. Jack ran up the stairs to Mark. Jack opened the bottle. "Here." He put the pills in marks hand. Jack lead him down stairs. Mark laid on the couch.

"Why do you need pills?" Felix asked.

"There's something in my brain that makes me dizzy or faint, mostly dizzy." Mark rubbed his eyes.

"Do you like taking them?" Harper popped up from her blanket.

"No because sometimes they give me chest pains." Mark laughed.

"Mark, earlier we heard you making Harper laugh. It was weird." Ken spoke.

"IT WAS AWESOME FOR ME!!" Harper shouted laughing.

"Well, it was better for me. Harper was the first person I made laugh without saying mean things." Mark looked at them. "Okay can we finish the movie?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." Jack un paused the movie.

"What are their names again?" Felix asked. Jack was about it say something but Harper spoke first.

"Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo." Harper said fast. All of them laughed.

"Your concentrating on this movie. Aren't you?" Jack sat her in his lap. After the movie was over they all got their blankets and pillows. Then they laid them on the floor. "Two of you can sleep on the couch." Jack insisted.

"I'll sleep on the floor." Mark threw his blanket and pillow on the floor.

"Me and ken will sleep on the couch but where are you and Harper gonna sleep?" Felix asked.

"Dude, we live here." Jack laughed walking up stairs.

"GOOD NIGHT!!!!!" Harper shouted.

Matt and Ryan aren't like that. I just had no clue why I made them the enemies. Well... To late!!


Little sister septiceye Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora