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              All of them where done with there Roman. Harper ran to marks bag. "All you have in here are dark clothes.. Don't you have any bright clothes?" Harper asked.

"No. Matt and Ryan pick my clothes... They pick everything." Mark looked down sadly.

"They tell you what to do, say, ware, ea- Wait... Did they tell you to come here??!!" Ken shouted. Mark didn't answer.

"Mark. Let me see your ear." Jack fumed. But he just shook his head. "NOW MARK!!" Jack yelled. Jack, Felix, and Ken tackled Mark. Felix held his arms down. Ken held his legs down and Jack checked his ear.

"See anything?" Felix asked. Jack just stood there about to cry.

"He has a fucking microchip in his ear." Jack bent down. When Mark looked up he saw Harper in the corner crying.

"H-har-." Jack cut him off.

"Don't talk to her you bitch." Jack growled.

"I-I thought you wanted to change..." Harper put her hands over her face. Tears were coming down. "I actually thought we where friends... We all did... But I guess we're not!!!" Harper shouted. She wiped her tears away fast.

"Mark, I think you should leave." Jack demanded.

"Jack!! Please!!" Mark whispered. "I don't want to be like this... I really need help... Please..." Mark started crying. He never cried. Mark was one of the tough ones who never cried. "I don't like being mean... I just hate it... Matt and Ryan tell me to be like this... I just want help."

"Let him go." Jack sighed. "Harper get the screw driver. Where getting the chip out." Jack commanded. Harper got the screw driver and handed it to Jack. "Sit still." Jack ordered. Mark sat there still as Jack was getting it out. *POP!!* Jack got the chip out. "If Matt and Ryan sent you here. I swear.."

"Mark did they send you?" Felix asked calmly. Mark didn't want to answer.

"Answer Mark or you can just leave!!" Harper shouted.

"Y-yes... They did..." Mark whispered. Jack had a tear flowing down his face. 

"You lied." Jack leaned against the wall and slid down. He started crying in his arms.

"Do you want to change or not?" Ken asked furious.

"I do... But I don't know how..." Mark whispered. Mark went to Jack. Mark sat on his knees in front of Jack. "I want to... I'm not lying." Mark grabbed jacks both of jacks hands. They stared at each other for a few seconds then Mark grabbed jacks chin and kissed him straight on the lips. Jack blushed.

"Ken... Are you seeing this.." Felix whispered. Ken just nodded. Jack pushed away. Mark scratched his head.

"I-I'm sorry... I just had to..."  Mark back up by Harper.

"Mark of you want to change... Your gonna need money. Do you have money?" Jack asked still blushing.

"Yeah... Why?" Mark replied.

"We can go to the store and buy new clothes." Harper answered. They all got in marks car. Jack sat in front with Mark. Harper, Felix, and Ken sat in the back.

They where at the mall. Mark saw a shirt that was dark he showed Harper but she said no. "You need bright clothes." Harper stated. Then Mark found a light blue shirt with jeans and blue convers.

"This?" Mark asked.

"Yeah!! Go try it on!!" All of them shouted. Mark went in the room and changed. He walked out and all of them clap.

"Wait till Matt and Ryan see this!!!"

EH EH!!???


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