They are so much more advanced than us; they're locked in war, and away from home.
They shouldn't even care about us small humans... except they do. They protect us from their own war, and they do it because they care.
Ana realized, her existing respect for the Autobot leader only growing.

There were a few moments of silence, soon broken by an unfamiliar, slightly amused, female voice.
"Well, you going to introduce us?"

Optimus rose to his full height once more, letting out a small chuckle.
Ana turned to face the others only to find everyone's optics on her; swallowing, she took a nervous step closer to Ironhide.

"To those who don't know, this is Ana" Optimus introduced.
"Is this the femme you mentioned Ironhide?" The pink smaller bot asked.
Ironhide grunted in response.
Ana heard a snicker from the green bot "He said that thing saved his aft"
There was another snicker from the orange one
"Ol' Iron-aft is gettn soft on us."

Ironhide seemed to growl
"If you two want to keep your sparks, I would shut your mouths".

Taking little heed to the threat, Ana watched as the two began elbowing each other
"Yea shut up"
"Naw you shut it"
"I ain't saying anything"
"Want me to bust you up?"
"jus' try, I'll kick yo' aft Skids!"
The two began rolling around fighting while spouting out insults.

"Excuse them"
the pink bot said turning to Ana
"My name is Elita-one. These are my sisters Arcee"
she said pointing to the purple one,
"and Chromia"
she pointed to the blue one.
"And those two glitches are Skids and Mudflap" Chromia spoke up before rolling over to the twins.
"Break it up!"
She ordered, grabbing on to them and smashing their helms together. This action receiving a chorus of "Ows" from the two,
"Harsh man, that hurt" Said the green one, Ana figured out was Skids.
"Got what was comin' to ya" Jazz remarked accompanied by a supportive beep from Bumblebee.
Holding back giggles Ana looked around at the other Autobots, their expressions made it clear they didn't find the scene as humorous.
Must happen a lot she realized.

"Now that both'a ya are finished" Jazz said coolly, giving the rambunctious twins a look.
"I'm glad ta hear yo back in one piece Ana." He sent the young girl a wink, whom of which was still partially hidden behind Ironhide's leg.
"Good~to have you back~again" Bumblebee voiced through the radio along with two nods from Prowl and Smokescreen who were at the far end of the group.
"Good to be back" She managed to respond. Ana truly appreciated their kindness, but to be honest, all the attention was making her incredibly uncomfortable.

Ironhide seemed to notice it too, as he soon changed subjects.
"Don't we have a mission report to finish?"
There were several nods from the bots and they began to make their way towards the other end of the hangar where Ana noticed some official looking people seemed to be waiting.
"Mission?" Ana asked Ironhide as he began to walk. Stopping he nodded
"Arcee and her sisters, along with Skids and Mudflap, have been on a month long mission just getting back today."
Ana nodded and he continued towards the group.
That means they must have been gone when I first got here She thought.
Ana noticed that Smokescreen had hung back from the rest.
"Hey Ana"
He said casually walking towards her. "How are you?" He asked sounding a little more awkward.
"Good, almost healed, my arm might take a while though."
He snorted "Man organics are slow." "Hey! It wasn't that long" she remarked indignantly
"Longer than mine." He smirked, pointing to his shoulder.
Ana only huffed in reply.
"Tried to visit you in the med bay but Ratchet kept chasing me off with those blasted wrenches of his."
Ana giggled "He tried to do that with Ironhide too"
He Laughed before going quiet "I just..." He began uncertainly.
Ana looked up at him expectantly.
"I just wanted to say... thank you"
Ana looked at him in surprise "For what?" "Without you I might have never found the other Autobots, I could have even been recaptured by the cons'. So...thanks" He said sincerely if not a bit awkwardly.

Ana looked down at her shoes
"I should be thanking you too." She paused looking back up to meet his optics "I would have never gotten out of that ship if not for you."
Smokescreen didn't seem to know what to say. Shrugging it off he gave her a smile
"I guess we both saved each other's aft's out there."
Ana retuned the smile "I guess so."

"Smokescreen!" They heard Optimus call. "Oh uh, I'll be right there sir!" Smokescreen replied hurriedly, seeming to straighten up at the sound of the Prime.
"Bye Ana, see you later." He said quickly before making his way to the group.

Ana couldn't help but giggle at his sudden hurried state; he seemed to really look up to the Prime. Ana quickly exited the hangar as more soldiers were starting to come in. She walked down the hallway trying to remember the path to her newly assigned, though temporary, room.

Even though she had been nervous it had been nice to see the Autobots again. Hopefully I'll be able to see them more now that I'm out of the med bay.
Ana studied the now full hallway, everyone seemed to be in a rush.
What's going on? She wondered.
No one seemed panicked to her, just like they had somewhere important to be.
Is something important happening? Should I ask? She shook her head; she figured if it involved her Lennox would have told her.
I guess I should just head to my room she concluded.
It was hard adjusting to her new surroundings, she couldn't shake the feeling she didn't belong.
Technically I don't she sighed.

Reaching her room she hesitated before entering, taking a moment to take in the busy hallways once more.
I hope nothing bad happened.

**time skip**

A nock on the door woke Ana from her sleep, glancing groggily at the clock it read 5:34AM. She pushed her head in the pillow groaning.
The nock repeated.
"Ana" Lennox's voice carried through the door.
Ana sat up in her bed trying to muster the energy to get up.
Ana immediately jumped out of bed at the sudden command, opening the door she looked tiredly at the officer.

"Sorry for the early wakeup call" He said seemingly unfazed by her tired, unkempt, appearance.
"I need to let you know that it was just announced yesterday that we are changing to a new, more secluded base." "What? Where?" She asked wide-eyed, the surprising news jolting her from her tired state.
"Can't tell you that, its classified" He gave her an apologetic smile
"These next few weeks are going to be very busy, a lot of equipment and people to move. To be honest the command wasn't sure what to do with you, as we can't have you at base for safety reasons." Ana nodded as he continued
"So it was decided that for the next few weeks you will be staying with me and my family until the change to the new base has been completed."
Ana was once again shocked "O-okay" she said uncertainly
"If you don't mind me asking, why are we switching bases?"
"Our current base isn't large enough for us and our new allies, the new location will be better suited for us and them. Right now the Autobots are limited to practically a few hallways and a hangar, we simply need more space."
She nodded slowly
"So what's happening now?"

He smiled
"You need to get packed."
He nodded "We are leaving in thirty minutes, when your ready meet us at the Autobot hanger where Ironhide and I will take you to my place."
Lennox gave one last nod before heading off down the hallway, leaving a wide-eyed and open mouthed Ana to stare after him.

So soon?!
Ana glanced back at the clock "I have to get ready!" she said hurriedly closing the door.

A Lost Spark         (Transformer fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now