Chapter sixteen Never it's creepy

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Bianca POV

We all are gather in the movie to get our flim on. The order we are sittin is: Henry was all the way on the left Steph was next to him, me next to her and Derek by my other side. Jasper on his right Chloe baisically on Jasper's lap,  Charlotte next to them with Brain holding her close.

Stephanie and I were sharing a blanket snuggled close to each other. Derek wanted to be my cuddle partner but I told him no, because last time he was mine. And of course the wifey had to cuddle with me.

We all ready watched Kick Ass 2, Purge, some others, and now we're on Purge 2.

You see when we were watching Purge Char kept complaining about it and how Zoey is an idiot and if anyone die it should've been her and I couldn't agree more with her.

"Henry's dead, Henry's dead." We can see that you stupid hoe. And this is why you should listen to your parents.

But, now Char is scared to death it's funny but, kind of sad. She's jumping at every little sound and now she like attached to Brain. He went for a bathroom breck and it took Chloe forever to get her off of him, and as soon she was off of him she on Chlo like a leach. It was very funny.

The movie ended and Chlo turned back on the lighgts back on.

"K. what else are we gonna do?" Chloe asked getting up from her set on Jasper's lap.

"Idk." I say still sitting down.

"Wait that's the last movie were gonna watch?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"That movie was hella scary, and we're just gonna end the shrike like that?" Char says.

"Yeah, we should end it on The Conjuring." Jasper smirks looking at Charlotte. She punch his arm and stands up.

"No, I think that this should be find." Charlotte says.

"Why, not watch it? Everyone says it amazing." Stephanie says, standing up to streching her back.

"Because it's about ghost and ginns and crap and no offence Chloe this house is to big and creppy to be watching that." Charlotte explains.

I laugh at this along side Jasper and Stephanie while Chloe says, "Owch." and Brain says "You're so cute."

"Thanks," Char says back to him. 

"Awwwwwwww." I coo slitly in my head. They're so cute together.

"It's not creepy." Chlo argues.

"Is so too." Char says back.

"No it's not." Chlo says, "It's perfectly fine."

"Says the girl who lives here." Charlotte replies.

"Let's play never have I ever." I suggest trying not to laugh at them.

"Kay, come on." Chloe says, grabbing my hand.


"Um, Never have I ever, kiss a frog." Charlotte laughs, and Chloe and I drink some of our soda.

I see Brain smirking so I know he told Charlotte to say this, that chee9ky bastard.

"Haha, Oh my god--- Why would--you---do that?!?" Stephanie says laugh like a mad man.

"Well, my brother dare me to, so I did." Chloe shruggs.

"What's your excuse." Henry says, nudgging me with his elbow.

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