Chapter eight Dates!!!

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Charlotte P.O.V

"This was a date!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!! I knew it I knew it I knew it." Chloe said through the phone. Right now I'm in my bed room talk to her on the phone for the past hour.

Right, I got home from the FroYo place with Henry. It was called 'Frog legs' 'Sweetness frogs' 'Frogs' sweeties' no wait 'Sweet Frog' it was a pretty cool place.

"It wasn't a date, and what it did you knew?" I said laughing, using some of her words.

"I knew he like you." she said. I could tell that she was smiling.

"He does not like me. If he did I think he would ask me on a date." I said.

"He dose he dose. I would know. He picked you up today. Even know I told him to. But get this he would usually put up a fight when tell him to do something but this time (A/N, 'Cuz this time Effie White is gonna aahh win. just had to say that)  he ask 'why' I gave him the answer and nothing else had to be said. Oh also he gave you his numba and took you to the movies." She said trying to back herself up.

"Well, as I said before the movies was just as friends and his numba was, so if Amber has one of her school things he can pick me up." I said. This here girl is crazy.

"Girl did you check what he put his name as in your phone? Because you all confident 'bout him not liking you." she said sassing me.

"Well' um. No put I guess it's just Henry or something." I said.

"Or, something. What did you put your name as?" she replied.

"I put Charlotte with two heart emojis in the front and in the back." I said.

"Heart emojis? You made him think you like him." she said all confidently. "

No, I didn't. I put heart emojis on everything." I said defending myself. I did not want to believe that Henry thought I like him. It would be so uncomfortable to be around him.

"Yeah, you did. Anyway I have to go see ya at school, Bye," she said.

"Bye, and no I didn't." I hung up before she can say anything. 

I laid down on my bed thinking of what happen today. Not one of the best day of my life but, pretty good. I still don't know why people were whispering and giving me weird stares. It probably blow of at the end of this week. I hear a lot of gossiping always around the halls.

I'm so glad I already did most of my homework. All I had to do was my literature home work; a couple of paragraphs on some book we were reading. You might be surprised that I absolutely positutely hate literature because, I have a pretty good grade on that subjected. I got up and went to my desk to start doing my homework.

When Amber swung open my door. "Ever heard of knocking?" I questioned her, not looking away from my book. 

"Yeah, I did. But, I need to ask you something."  She said sitting on my bed.

"Did I say you can sit." I said still not looking away from my book.

"If you're going to sass me can't even look at me and do it?" she said. I laughed and turned around in my chair to face her.

"What is that you need to ask me?" I said trying to a little nicer.

"Well..." she said getting out off my bed heading for my closet.

"No, non never, nine, nota, nope, no." I said getting up and going to my closet as well. I don't trust Amber with my clothes.

"Please, I need it. I don't have thing else to ware." she begged. She such a baby.

"Then go to the mall." I said. She is not going to be wearing my clothes anywhere.

"I have school."

"Then go online."

"I have no time it's this weekend."

"Wait what. What's this weekend?" I questioned, where did she had to go in my clothes? I repeat my clothes.

"Well I'm going out with some friends and I don't have a pretty enough dress." She said. She knew she got me at that. But I'm not going to let that flatter me. She never complement my clothes even though she always trying to wear them.

"No." I said sternly.

"Please I drive you to school." she said trying to threat me.

"You know I have my license?" I said she not going to get me.

"With no car." she quickly replied. Dang it she got me.

"Fine. What are you going to wear anyway?"  I says sighing and giving up. I walked over to my bed laid down across on it.

"I know exactly what." she said opening up my closet. I can hear push past a couple clothing. "This!" she said finally stop fidgeting with my clothes. I shot up already knowing what she holding from the excitement in her voice. And as I thought it was. My white kindda flo-ie dress, It was short coming up to your mid thigh.

"No, Amber you terrible with white." I complied taking the dress out of her hands.

"No, not that much anymore I learned beauty hacks. Please." she said smiling.

"Fine." I said.

"Yes! Thanks Char!" she said taking the dress and skipping out of the door.

"Welc, just let me you get ready for the date." I said smiling. Got her.

"How did you know?" she stopped and turning around eminently after hearing what I just said. I smirked. "Was it that obvious?" she asked

"Nope, just that you were all to happy about all of this so I know it's a date. Who is it with, Matt?" I questioned wanting to know more.

"Yeah it is," she said smiling. "I'll tell you later about though, it's getting later."

"Sure okay but, don't forget."

"I won't." she said heading to the door again. "Oh, and Char please don't tell dad. You know how he is."

"Yeah I do." I said. Dad didn't like us dating even though my mom allowed us to. "I'm going to use this against you." I said smiling.

"I know you are. I won't mess up the dress." she said leaving my room.

"I know you won't." I said we chuckled a little. then she close the door.

I took off my clothes and put on my pjs. Some pink shorts with small bunnies on it and a long sleeve shirt. I know it's weird long shirt with shorts. But I liked it, but yet and still I complain about Malia (from 'Teen Wolf') wearing shorts with a jacket.

I decided that I'm going to finish my home work later so I set my alarm early them the norm. I saw the time and it was 12:33 a.m.  How was I talking to Chlo and Amb? The world well never know.

I can really just do the math but I don't feel like it. I wait to the clock hit 12:34:56 My favorite time. And when it does I quietly yelled. "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I went to sleep on 'Teen Wolf' and thoughts of what tomorrow will bring. We and they need Derek back. My last thought I before I fell a sleep was..........

What's Henry's name on my phone?

Sorry for the wait guys. Really busy and stuff, kindda. I hope this chapter make some sense because I wrote this about 12 a.m. and finish about 3 a.m. because of all the typos I kept on making. Like all my y's were t's and some word had no vowels. So really tried. Oh and I'm gonna start showing some pics of the outfits that the ladies are wearing above.  

Well Hope You Guys Like It! 

Love. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

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