Chapter 12: Secrets

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(y/n)'s POV

Flowey and I didn't speak after my outburst, but we decided to listen carefully of the Echo Flowers as we continued our journey. Sans' whispers were gone but the whispers were now of other monsters wishes to go the surface, which they already are. I wonder how everyone is above, I mean, I hope nothing bad happened while I was gone.

It makes me wonder, what happened to Chara now? I heard she isn't dead now because she was no longer... human. It gives me the shivers thinking about what she really is.

I felt relaxed listening a soft tune flowing throughout Waterfall. Smiling, I took a deep breath and decided to sing along with the tune.

Deep down whispers

We can hear it all

Your inner voice

What will it tell us

The deepest abyss of your soul

It can't hide

Conflict, turmoil

Unfaltering kindness



All those feelings mixed up

An array of thoughts

Will you fight or show true mercy

You have to make that choice

Will you save your friends

Escape then

Show them the world above

Will you set him free


Write your wish in the dust

Two sides are playing

A tough game

An endless tug of war

Which will win?

Savior or murderer?

I sighed as the tune continued throughout Waterfall echoing my voice on the flowers. Flowey looked up to me in astonishment.

"I didn't know you had a pretty voice, (y/n)." Flowey complimented.

"Um, thanks. I don't sing very often though, so don't count on it." I replied with a hint of embarrassment.

"Aw, come on! You should do it more often! You'll be surprised what power it can give." Flowey advised.

Wait, how is he advising me on my singing?! He knows nothing about it, unless he's telling me something I don't yet.

"Pu-lease, like you know anything about me." I continued walking with him on my shoulder.

"I know more about you then you know yourself." Flowey started.

I stopped my tracks completely. There stood a statue with an umbrella over its head. It was playing a soft tune that can easily put me to sleep.

How does Flowey know more about than I know myself? That doesn't make any sense!

"Yeah, like what?" I questioned the flower. His face fell, knowing he might regret saying this.

"(y/n), um how do I say this-" Flowey continued.

"Just say it, Flowey!" I interrupted.

"OKAY JEEZ IMPATIENT AREN'T YOU?! Anyways, you um, weren't originally a human."

This chapter fills you with confusion.

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