Chapter 5: Butterscotch Cinnamon Pie

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(y/n)'s POV

We entered "Home" and of course it was abandoned. There were cobwebs and dust scattered the place since it hasn't been cleaned in 5 years at least.

"So home sweet home?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

Flowey also gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess so."

As we started exploring "Home", I come across the kitchen and quickly open the fridge, hoping that food will be in there. There was a pie that had a couple slices eaten. It was huge!

"That's Toriel's famous butterscotch cinnamon pie. It's really good; you should try it since that's the only food in the house." Flowey pointed out.

"Don't worry, monster food can't be expired so it can't kill you." He added.

I was suddenly interested in the pie now since I like butterscotch and cinnamon. I carefully took out the pie out of fridge with one hand while still holding my water bottle with Flowey on the other.

I went to continue exploring (Lol with a pie and Flowey in your hands) "Home" and saw an open door leading to some bedroom probably. I hesitantly walked in the room and carefully sat down on one of the twin beds, trying not to let the pie or Flowey fall.

Putting the pie down first on the bed, and then Flowey I started cutting a slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie.

"You want some pie, Flowey?" I asked.

"(y/n), I'm a flower. I can't eat food." He stated with a saddened expression.

"O-oh, sorry for asking." I apologized quickly. I finished cutting my slice (that's HUGE) and started eating my slice.

"N-no, it's okay. You didn't know." Flowey replied with a slight stutter.

I paused from eating and looked at Flowey with a concerned look.

"Did you just, stutter?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"W-WHAT?! NO! WHY WOULD I STUTTER?!" he screeched getting angry once again.

"Hmm, I've been asking myself as well. Something on your mind?" I asked questionly.

"It's none of your damn business! Didn't I say this to you earlier?" Flowey snapped.

"Well, do you want me to call you by your real name?" I threatened with a firm gaze on Flowey.

"I'm fine, thank you! If you want to know, ask me when we get closer to the castle." He remarked, slowly getting less angry.

"Okay, then. Well, you know I'm here for you for a while so might as well get to know each other." I said.

"A while? So you're going to leave me once we get to the surface?" Flowey said nervously.

"I thought you probably didn't want stay with me once we get to the surface, or see Frisk again. I was planning to get you back to your parents. I'm fine with either decision you make." I said with a questioning look.

"No, I'll stay with you. You promise to stay with you and that I'll get my body back. You just wait and then we'll have lots of fun." Flowey quickly replied.

Now, I'm curious on what his definition for fun is...

This chapter fills you with DETERMINATION?

A/N: Sorry if Flowey is a little OOC. Hehe...I'll just walk away *awkwardly walks away*

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