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Hey, Summoners! This is kinda important so stick around and hear me out, okay?

Okay! First of all, I'm terribly sorry for not updating in like forever! Hopefully, this Friday or sometime this weekend I'll be able to update. And next as well, since tomorrow afternoon will be the start of spring break (for me at least). I've been busy with school work and volleyball so almost every day I'm too exhausted to do anything.

Second, this is about the book, with the help of GuinniDay, I decided to change things up a little. The biggest part is that Frisk did a genocide run (at least to the point where you fight Sans)before the pacifist. She reset because she gave up on killing Sans and wanted to be friends with him. It took Sans a while to trust Frisk, but every once in a while Chara posesses Frisk (kinda) at random times, but luckily not when (y/n) is around. And the reason: She's wearing Chara's locket and Frisk doesn't know it's the reason.

So, there will be mentions of the genocide run throughout the rest of the book.

So yeah, that's all for now!


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