Chapter 1: Meeting Flowey the Flower

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(y/n)= your name
(f/c)= favorite color
(e/c)= eye color
(h/c)= hair color

You know the drill by now, hopefully.

Flowey's POV

Why did Frisk leave me? First I don't see any monsters around and then I see Frisk leaving like she's given up. But what did she gave up? But that was years ago.

I now realized that I'm alone in the Underground. Did they go to the surface? Without me?! How dare they! They left me down here alone... again. I wish I had something or someone to play with. Like Chara or Frisk.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud thud behind me. Startled, I turned around to see a (h/c) girl with a (f/c) striped shirt. The flowers at least broke her fall. She was unconscious and her breathing was alright.

Finally, someone for me to play with! It's been about 5 years since Frisk left me down here. I decided to wait for the girl to wake up, and then I can have some fun.

But this girl...she reminds me of Frisk for some reason. Maybe they're related or something. And seeing her gives me weird feeling, what's it called again? Hope, that's what it is.

(y/n)'s POV

I opened my eyes and see myself surrounded by golden flowers. 'Must have broken my fall' I thought to myself. I slowly got up from the patch of golden flowers and saw a large door across the room.

Reluctantly, I walked to the door and slowly opened the door as I slipped inside the new room.

At the center of the room, I see another golden flower yet with a face on it. I took a couple of steps before it realized I was in the room.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey, the flower!" the flower spoke while giving me a smile. I couldn't help but to smile back at the flower. So, this is the legendary Flowey that Frisk told me about a lot.

"I'm (y/n). Pleasure to meet you, Flowey. This is the Underground, right?" I asked.

"Boy, you heard of the Underground? Well, this is the Underground and I bet you're wondering where are the other monsters are correct?" Flowey answered with a smirk.

"No, not really because I know they're at the surface with my sister. Why aren't you up there?" I questioned him curious why he isn't up at the surface with the rest of them.

Flowey hesitated for a minute to answer. "I don't know to be honest." His smiled faded. "Your sister must be Frisk if I'm correct and she DID leave me behind. I'm stuck down here unless..." he faltered.

"What?" I asked.

"Unless you can take me to the surface. You want to go back to your friends and family, right? So, take me with you! I'm tired of being alone with no one to play with!" He cried out.

"O-okay. I'm not leaving anytime soon. I just want to explore the Underground that Frisk came a couple years ago." I reassured.

"Great! I'll show you around and we'll have lots of fun!" He suddenly smiled and it didn't look a nice one.

I might be regretting this later probably.

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