He's innocent!

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Chloe was taken back; this was not how she imagined her first kiss with him. Yes, she had imagined how it would be, how it would feel. Without responding his question, she leaned down brushing her lips against his, he was gentle something that shocked her. She always figured a man like him would be rough. Running his tongue over her bottom lip she granted him access. Before it could get heated Chloe pulled away, fluttering her eyes open, she stared into his deep brown eyes finding no end to their depth.

"Thank you detective."

Before she could respond, the medics ran in pushing her away from him. She stood back watching them work on him. They tossed the blood soaked jacket to the side, replacing it with gauges and pads. Getting an IV running, the paramedics quickly placed him onto the stretcher. She stopped herself a from following them out. She wanted to go with him. She didn't want to leave him alone. They needed each other's strength, but she needed to find who did this to him. Lucifer was innocent that much she was sure of, but how to prove it was the question. She had fucked up, she knew tha

No one noticed the dark skinned angel with sad eyes following the ambulance.

Chloe had composed herself by the time the rest of the officers arrived, those including Dan and Malcolm. She watched as they ransacked the entire place. It felt so wrong seeing them go through his belongings. Lucifer might not be such a private person, but he hated having people mess with his belongings. Malcolm had asked Dan what happened to Lucifer, getting angry when Dan didn't respond quickly. He then took a knife from one of the officers saying he was taking it to the station. Something was up with that guy and it was creeping the hell out of her.

Turing around she spotted Dan. "Hey." He looked up. "I need to talk with you." She walked him to one of the tables. "I know this is going to sound crazy especially after what just happened and the body, but I think Lucifer is innocent."

Dan held back a groan, as he rolled his neck. "Chloe, Lucifer got into a fight with the deceased just a couple of hours ago. We both saw it."

"I know. Just hear me out. Okay? Just pretend you don't know Lucifer." Her eyes begged for him to follow her on this.

"I already like it." he smirked, not seeing the hurt in her eyes.

Clearing her throat, she began. "Our suspect is a club owner who likes to tell people he is the devil."

"You're not really selling his innocent's."

"He's a man who embraces desire, lives by his passion." She kept going ignoring his stupid comments. "Now think about the body. The guy was executed, single bullet to the head. There is no passion behind this." She looked her ex straight in the eyes. "This isn't him."

"What were you expecting?" Dan asked.

Chloe shrugged. "Something more dramatic."

"Then it's a frame job." Dan stated. "Who would want to set him up?"

Chloe sighed. "I don't know."

Just then an officer walked up to them. "Detective we may have found the murder weapon." He held up a revolver inside a plastic bag. Chloe didn't miss the way Dan stiffed at the sight of the gun.

"Okay, test it for prints and DNA."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thanks." She turned back to Dan.

"Lucifer's prints are going to be on that gun."

Chloe frowned, why was he so sure. "You don't know that." She didn't want to sound offensive, but she was going to save Lucifer. Even if that meant going against the entire department. She did once and she damn well would do it again for Lucifer.

Dan leaned slightly forward. "I do and I also know your right. Lucifer is innocent."

Okay now that was a shocker, she was sure she heard wrong. "What?"

Dan took a deep breath. "Chloe we have to talk. Somewhere else."


Lucifer was aware of multiple hands on him and strange voices, some were pulling his clothes, others where roaming his body. He was in little pain now which meant Chloe was nowhere near, but why wasn't he healing? Instead he seemed to be getting worse, his heart was slow. He felt as if he was being pulled in the depths of darkness and went uncaution. The voices around him getting quieter, the image of detective Chloe was the only thing that accompanied him.

"Bring in the pads! We're losing him!" The surgeon yelled, grabbing the pads from the nurse. "Clear!" His patients body jerked, but no respond. "Again...clear!" Once more and the same response. "One more time! clear!"


Chloe was shocked, this son of a bitch! Clenching her fist, she punched the scum bag in front of her.

Dan nodded his head. "I deserved that."

"You lied to me! I don't even know you! You shot a man in cold blood!" Chloe was vivid, she couldn't believe she was married to this man.

"I shot Malcom to protect you." Dan justified.

Chloe's eyes watered. "Everything I saw at Palmetto; it was all true! You let them think I was crazy!"

He shook his head. "I never intended."

"You let me think I was crazy."

"I'm sorry." Dan whispered.

"You don't get to be sorry." Chloe snapped.

"If I could take it all back I would."

Chloe threw her hands in the air. "You can't take it back!"

"I know."

Chloe took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions. "But you can make this right."

Dan snapped his head up, hope in his eyes. "How?"

"Prove Lucifer is innocent." Chloe turned around grabbing her jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"Lucifer was just shot thinking I abandon him; I need to go to him." With a glare she left.

The surgeon walked out of the room with a depressed look. Removing the gown and scrubbing down he turned to the nurse beside him. "Call his next of kin, they need to know." With a small nod she left.

Chloe walked into the hospital her nerves were all over the place. Her heart pounding uncontrollably against her chest. Walking up to the desk she smiled at the elderly lady. "Hello."

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman gave Chloe a warm smile.

"I am looking for information regarding Lucifer Morningstar." Chloe replied.  They always put that motherly one up front.

The women's smile faded quickly. "Oh-ahh-let me call up the doctor."

Chloe smiled as she leaned against the desk. Her mind trailing to the kiss she shared with the man in question. She would be lying if she said she hadn't dreamed or thought of it before. All those months working with him made them close, yes he was annoying, childish, crazy, but she loved all of those things about him. He was also smart, witty, handsome and caring in his own way. Chloe stopped herself tracing back to her own words, she froze. Loved about him? Where in the hell did that come from? 'Ahh, who are you kidding Chloe, you love the man and seeing him on the verge of death made you realize it. Plus, the kiss might have helped.' Smiling to herself she wondered if he felt the same way?

Well only one way to find out.

My Fallen Angel.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora