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"When you feel like giving up, always remember that your future-self is watching you, hoping that you'd continue what you're doing. Never forget that she/he is counting on you to do the things she/he gave up halfway. YOU ARE NEVER TOO LATE-



I fixed my neck scarf nervously. I shouldn't really have worn it in the first place, but then again it wouldn't have made a huge difference. I would have still felt all stuffy from head to toe.

I had to keep on reminding myself that this interview was nothing compared to the things I've been through in life. Like really, the more complex problems you face in life the more you look at big things with a better view. Relative theory; I'd like to call it.

I glanced at my watch. Another five more minutes only, before I entered the big mahogany doors at the corner of this lobby.


You'll be fine. I lied to myself. Heck no. The dark red sophisticated lobby was already creeping the hell out of me. This is exactly why I didn't let my father decorate his lobby with red, nor gold nor any dark colors at all. The colour of the lobby really matters with the selection of employees. Capable employees who are bad at presenting themselves might freak out and just flunk the interview. Like I probably will. Not that I'm calling myself capable.

Then again the appearance of the main lobby is like the outer shell that describes the boss's personality. For instant this lobby I'd say is exactly why this CEO has some pretty scary rumors going on about himself.

Then again if he is anything like the rumors, then I might as well just get work experience from some other company out there. But that means I would lose the deal I made with dad and he'd be all sunshine and flowers that he won.

Not that rumors were always true.

I mean this guy could still be a really nice person with a slight personality issue for decorating the lobby like this or maybe he has a son who likes the dark side. I dunno. It could be anything.

"Miss Chamomile Sandalwood" someone called out and I stood up elegantly. At least I believed it was elegant enough.

"He is expecting you". The receptionist nodded.

I nodded back formally and wished that my stiffness went unnoticeable. Wouldn't want my first impression to be ruined. After all first impressions really last for a long time, specially in this filed where it was literally everything.

I entered the huge wooden doors carefully making sure I wouldn't trip right in-front of him. Because that would; one - be super embarrassing and two - give the kind of impression Anna gave Grey which is definitely not what I'm aiming for. What kind of an impression was that anyway?

"Please take a seat"

The man sitting behind the huge mahogany desk said with a friendly smile.His muddy brown faded hair was rather odd for his blue eyes, but I'm not the one to judge. I was rather baffled for a few seconds to see an awfully young soul behind the desk. Mind you I'm not an old woman. I just turned twenty five and he too is probably around his late twenties. It's just that I was expecting an old man since this place is one of those reputed places dealing with the big fish in this field. I hardly know anything about this field anyways.

"So when can you start Chamomile?" First name basis right away? I didn't even introduce myself yet.

"I beg your pardon?" Was this guy not going to interview me?

"I am asking whether tomorrow is okay or you could just start next week. Do as you like sweetheart"

I had to force myself not to cringe at the word 'sweetheart'. I raked my brain for a rumor saying the CEO was a flirt, but was sure that he was called anything but a flirt. Damn all those fake rumors.

"Are you not going to interview me?" I had to ask. I mean he couldn't have possibly built this place up to the standards with randomly hiring and flirting with employees.

"Why should I? You're the daughter of Mr Sandalwood one our business buddies, so I'm rather honored you're gracing us with your beauty"

I'm pretty sure my eyebrows twitched at his words.

"Look interview me first and then decide or I might as well leave"

Okay so maybe I came off too strong. I am really grateful that I don't have to go through a nerve wracking interview, but its plain wrong. The one thing I hate the most is the fact that some people treat the others just by looking at their background. That I can't stand.

To my surprise he chuckled. "Wow easy there sweetheart"

He was definitely a natural flirt.

"I'm not your boss. I'm the guy right below him. His cousin slash best buddy. Your boss is probably somewhere out there looking at us" He said with a distant smile extending both his arms and I just couldn't stop myself from asking; "He's dead?"

He burst out laughing as if it was the best joke he ever heard.

Okay now he was getting on my nerves. Was I supposed to give my condolences first before asking whether he died? I balled my fists from under the table. This was my first time encountering a man as frivolous as him.

"I really like you. Maybe we should grab a drink and-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as the big wooden doors slammed open and a man with raven ruffled hair walked in. He couldn't possibly look much older than the both of us. His steps were swift yet heavy that I unconsciously held my breath. As by reflexes the flirt sitting behind the desk got up with a smirk.

"Yo bro. What brings you here?"

I wasn't sure whether it was because of his appearance or the way he sat on the head chair with authority, but I found myself frozen.


His monotonous voice added effect to his scary and sophisticated exterior.

"Go easy on her"

I watched as the flirt – I know it's rude, but I really don't know his name- walked towards the doors and for the first time that day I didn't want him to leave. I just kept staring at him, enough to catch the playful wink he threw my way before closing the door behind him.

"Do you not have a name?"

It took me a few seconds to register that he was actually taking to me. Given the fact that he walked in and sat down like I didn't exist, I wasn't expecting him to ask me anything.

"It's Chamomile Sandalwood"

Despite being a ball of nerves I managed not to stutter. You can do this. I had to remind myself. The next few minutes went on so fast that I didn't have enough time to think straight.

But what I did get was that the rumors can't be more accurate than the rumors about the guy in front of me.

Daniel Norman.

Handsome. Rude. Ruthless.

In short; a jerk.


So? ........

Here's a cookie to my old readers who actually figured out that this was pretty different from what you read before. Even if you didn't notice fear not:) Annnnd if you're totally new to this, then even

Anyways this story will stick to my old plot and everything else is normal. And all my OLD characters will be there, so worry not. The way I'll be presenting this will be kinda different, but I hope you'd like it.

So thank you so much for reading, adding this to your lists. Do let me know what you think. Love you all loads.

BTW try pressing the star at the bottom. Who knows, a miracle might happen;)

- HiddenBlackLilly

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