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After the battle, we raced back to the Mine. With Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi slumbering once more inside us we didn't have that much power we had when we got there. We ran slower but the trees still whizzed by in a blur of brown and green. The dry leaves crunched beneath our paws.  I dimly thought that winter was on the way. The days seemed to go by fast when a war was going on... My eyes narrowed as we reached the top of the slope.  Wind rustled the leaves and our fur, whistling in our ears. But nothing prepared me from what I saw.

"Wow..." I heard North whisper, horrified and I nodded in agreement.

Wolves were lying dead on the open field.  The once green grass a dark red and filled with wolf entails. The stench of hatred and blood filled my nose and I gagged. Wolves limping away to their respectful side of the battlefield. Flanks torn, bleeding deeply. As they walked away I closed my eyes,  trying to block out the sight.

I wanted to bury my snout into North's fur and sleep for a forever. But I couldn't, I had to move forward. I wanted to forget anything ever happened here. But with the stench of blood and carcasses of wolves on the ground? I couldn't do that to the wolves that died today. I wanted to go back in time and stop this from happening.

But if I went back in time and stopped this from happening, it would take away a part of me. I wouldn't be the same wolf. I wouldn't have awakened Amaterasu. So I shook myself, trying to rid myself of those thoughts. I forced my paws to keep moving forward. As we reached the Mine Pine came running out to meet us. "Did we win?" She asked. The only answer she got was a glare from both of us.

"You're a coward!" North spat at her face, he bared his fangs and she whimpered. "You ran away in a important battle, were you scared of having you fur bloodied?" He growled, eyes blazing. "You're not a part of -" But I cut him off before he could get anyone else riled up about the battle.. or the details of it.

"Wait, North." I said trying to sound as calm as possible. "Let me do it." I strode up to Pine, and stood there, only a whisker away from her.

Then I lunged forward and bit her ear, hard. My fangs pierced the fragile skin slightly but enough to hurt enough to make her yelp loudly.
"Fleabag." I growled, retracting my jaw from her ear. I smiled sweetly. "But I forgive you. And so does North." I added, staring hard at the wolf next to me trying to hint out what was going on.

"Uhh..." He laughed. "Y- yeah..." I rolled my eyes playfully and sat down next to him. Pine nodded at us in acceptance.

"What do we do now?" Dahlia asked, coming up behind us. A wisp of silver and white. Her purple ears were dull. Of course... She knew Twilight more than I did.

The thought crossed my mind to sleep forever once more but I knew that wouldn't change anything that happened here. We had all lost someone dear... Sister, friend, ally. My eyes grew dull slightly.

Don't get sad, Mystic. You still have everyone else. You have me, and your family, and your new pack.  Lily's voice flooded my mind. My eyes instantly brightened to their usual color.

That is correct, human. You have power now, my power. To protect those you love and cherish. Plus, you also have Tsukuyomi by your side. Amaterasu added softly.

I thought you guys where sleeping I snorted but I smiled outwardly. My gaze turned to my pack mates. Northern, Dahlia. There would be more, much more.

Thank you, guys. Lily, Amy. I couldn't have come this far without you. I replied gratefully. Suddenly, two dark female she wolves came trotting up the small hill.  I recognized them dimly.

"Nightshade?" I addressed the night coloured female. Her silver eyes shown brightly, rebellious, defying.

"Yes? Alpha? You wish to speak?"She said sarcastically. North came up beside me on my left side. He peeled back his lips to a snarl. I flicked my tail over his mouth to stop him from saying anything.

"Yes,  I do" I said right back playfully.

Her eyes shown, I was playing her game now. But it was my game too.

"What is it? " She asked, walking slightly closer to me and North. Her grey and black chest fur ruffling in the wind. My own blue eyes turned serious.

"I want you to join my pack, Nightshade" I said calmly. Whatever she had been expecting me to say. It wasn't that. Her eyes widened.

"M- me? "She stuttered, her eyes swarmed in confusion.  "What? "

"Do you want her to repeat it again!?" Northern growled,  taking a step forward.

"No! Idiot! I just can't believe it!" She snarled back. I sighed and turned to the smaller, golden eyed black she wolf.

"Shadow" I said softly. She lifted her head up slowly.

"Yes, Mystic? "She asked nervously. In the background, I could hear Nightshade and Northern yelling. But they weren't fighting so I had more time.

"I want you to join too. As a Mist Star member" I told her and the yelling behind us increased.

"B- but the Blue Moon pack needs us. Pine will send out a kill squad-" She refused weakly. I interrupted her after a while.

"No,  she won't. Not if your with me, in my pack" I told her firmly. My eyes blazed with anger at Pine. Which until the moment,  I forget she was here.

"I won't go after you guys. From now on,  the Blue Moon and the Mist Star have an alliance. Is that alright, Mystic?" She asked. Her amber eyes flicked to mine,  questioning, but she had a confidence in her eyes. Like she knew the answer.

And I hated that.

"No,  we don't have an alliance " I said coldly. My pack threw me a glance.

Are you sure about this...? North's voice flooded my mind. I cringed slightly, hoping no one would notice. I didn't answer him. I didn't want too. Pine's face was priceless. The shock was instant, then slowly took form of anger. Her eyes blazed but her tail was sticking straight out.

"If you do this. Your pack will be on its own" She snarled out. I let a small smile spread.

"You really think that your pack would leave mine alone?" I asked simply. But shoved my ears forward in a dominate posture.

"Yes, but I would be lying" She said flatly and before I could come up with a smart remark. She turned and ran off to the Mines.  I snorted and my anger died down.  I knew with my mom and Midnight as Beta's nothing major would happen with the pack.  With Storm and Flame rogues and no longer part of Red Peak,  they wouldn't stick around here. I found myself wishing they moved far away from here.  I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my pack.

"Northern, Shadow, Nightshade, Dahlia. This is the beginning of the Mist Star pack. A Wolf's Life has ended, my father no longer rules this land. We can do as we wish!" I barked out happily and my tail wagged happily. With that,  we started into a victory howl. Just the 5 of us, we would pull through. The sun had begun to set, twilight fast approaching. We howled our joy, our grief for a fallen pack member, our love and friendship for one another. And somehow, as I opened my eyes to the light purple sky, knew that Twilight was watching. A Wolf's Life had given birth to peace...


And that my dear friends is the end of A Wolf's Life.  I WILL be writing a sequel soon that will be called A Wolf's Heart. Please tell me your opinion on the book and thank you for reading!

*Gives fluffy wolf pup to you*

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