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I glare at the women, they were all either 17 or 16. All with different hair color and shin color, the only light in the cabin was the windows in the corner. The cabin itself was very small, just a table and a few chairs. I take step closer to them, feeling a sudden admiration to one of them, it felt as if there was a part of me calling out to one of them. For that moment, I forgot all about Storm, the pack, even my mom. My world was the human. She looked at me with blue eyes like mine. She had light blond hair and she had full pink lips. she was skinny, but also lean..she was also pretty tall. I walk up to her, slowly at first then when the space was closing between us I start walking faster. I never took my eyes of her. Once I was about two feet away I stopped. I looked up to her

" My dear human, I am the alpha's mate, we need to be strong for the pack, we need to be the rock of it. We must lead it together, us and Storm. Are you ready to be the leader? To lead a pack of both wolves and humans. We need to merge, we need to become one. But that will take time" I said to her, my words comforting and soft

I let the words slip my lips. Like a trance or tradition. I just now noticed I was as tall enough to reach her chest. I steadily gaze into her eyes

"Y-y-yes, I'm ready Mystic," she tells me

I blink away my surprise. How did she know my name? I heard pawsteps on the wood beneath my own paws and turn and growl to see Storm padding up to me

" You two now have a bond, a bond that will last till the end of time. You will not be able to break it. But you still be able to take form as one or the other, you will also be able to unmerge, like this" he tells both of us.

He stood and takes deep breath "Evan, leave my soul and take your own" he speaks to himself. Suddenly a shimmering wave of light comes out of him and goes to the ground next to him. The shimmering stops and a boy about 17 strand there, his human form and wolf form were out.

" Mystic come with me" Storm tells me in his wolf form. I nod and I take one last look at my frightened human. But them stop, I can't leave her here alone with the boy! I sit down next to her and nuzzle her stomach. The boy named Evan glared at me and Storm just sighs and sits down. I growl at Evan and my human sat down next to me. After being here so much I had forgotten about the other humans. Which were crawling towards the door. I glance at storm, smiling. He must have known what I was thinking. We got up in unison and start to run towards them. I heard screams and the woman ran out of the cabin. Smiling I go to my human again and sit down once again. I look up at her.

"That was fun!" I say happily. And she looks at me like I was crazy

" You would scare away innocent people for the fun of it?" She asks me.

" Well, there were scared of us running towards them, we didn't even growl" I said still cheerful. That moment Storm walked towards me his tail straight up and his eyes glaring down at me, my cheerful mood gone. He barred his teeth

"Submit!" He ordered in his Alpha tone. I felt the need to, but someone had to strand up to him. Plus, I wanted him to think I was worthy of being his mate . Since I was his mate hopefully he wouldn't attack me and vise versa. I strand into my full height which would make me as big to my humans shoulders. I lift my tail up curling its tip forward. And shove my ears forward. I bare my teeth at him, my white fangs gleaming in the dim light.

"Submit!" I growl back " Unless you want to fight" I snarl at him. I seriously don't get him. One minute he's a nice cuddly mate, then the other he's a tyrant ruling over his pack. I glare at him as he shifts uncomfortably from paw to paw. Then he lowers his head slightly pulling his ears back. A sign of submission, but not quite, it must be a sigh that we are equal. I breathed in a sigh of relief and he speaks quietly

"You have passed another test, my dear mate" he says and he finally sits down normally. I take out as a sign and I quickly sit down too. Then remember my human. I get up again and pad towards her

" You ok?" I asked gently as I waged my tall softly

"Yeah, I am... I'm sorry it just surprised me that you two acted like that" She tells me and follows me as I pad back towards Storm. I sit down next to him, he looks at me gently and then motioned his human to sit next to him. Stiffly, Evan obeyed sitting cross-legged next to him.

"So,I guess we should leave you guys to bond..."Storm said awkwardly

"Or try" Evan sneered at me and I growled back

"Guys quit it!"Storm barked at us.

He turns to Evan "What has she done to you? Does she remember you of someone?" He asks steadily. He glanced at me as he said so.

He shifted uncomfortable,then breathed in a shaky breath then lets it out steadily

"she reminds me of Moon" he says finally and gets up with a final glare at my direction and barges out the small cabin. Slamming the door. Leaving us in a slightly darker cabin.

"Well, that was fun" came my humans voice somewhere near my left.

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