Chapter Two- Midnight

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This is what the wolf looks like ^^^^ When I finally woke up, I didn't know how long I was asleep, it could have been hours, days, or maybe even minutes. As I looked around, I found that I wasn't in the same place as I was. It was all gray, with square patches of sky every few steps. It was night out.  I could only tell as much as I can in my current state. I shook my head, maybe if I shook my head hard enough, maybe it would be a dream. I was also hoping to take it out of my mind, but when I was done, it was the same. Plus,  I was dizzy. I sighed and took a step forward only to flinch and lift my paw up instantly. This hard colored gray thing made my claws hurt! I take another step forward hearing my claws clink I took another one, my ears pricked and then, I heard a warm laugh fill the air. I spun around to where the sound was, ignoring the pain on my paws and couldn't tell where it came from. I squinted to see what it was,  with the shadows of this strange building it was hard to see. Even with my night vision. Suddenly, a two legged figure walked out of the darkness.


I shrunk back just as I had when my father came out of the bushes. But now I saw the boy coming towards me. It walked right up to me and I kept taking steps back even though it hurt my claws. My eyes wide and flicking warily at the two legged figure then to the other sides of the solid wall that caged me. I couldn't see any way out. I started to panic. I was alone, with the most monstrous creature on earth.

Don't be afraid, my white wolf

I gasped as I heard a voice in my head. But we could only communicate with our own species! Unless.... I looked up to the two legged figure

What and who are you? I ask looking curiously at the two legged figure. Then I heard it chuckle

First of I'm a male, second, I'm like you he told me in my head but I had sat down and I jump up whimpering backing away when I heard his bones crunch ,twist, and become bigger. I looked away but when I heard them stop I looked back almost falling on my tail. There standing in the place of the two legged figure, was a big black wolf with amber eyes.

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