Chapter 17

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"Ok, great! Let's go!" I barked happily and started speed walking to a random direction. Great! Now we can actually stay away from the father wouldn't get me there...Oh, no. The attack! I stopped dead in my tracks. My blue eyes widened. I turned around. I had to tell them now. Or else it would be to late... I looked at Midnight. Since he was beta...

"Midnight... um. I got to tell-" but I was so rudely interrupted by my mom.

"Honey, we have to hurry. If Storm really is losing control... I fear the worst.." She said sadly and looked at her paws. Then, something weird happened. Midnight came up and nuzzled her. I stared, wide eyed. My exact thoughts where -....!!! I blinked to make I wasn't imagining it. But nnnooo. They where there. I looked at Lilly. Her hand was covering her mouth in shock.

"Mom...?" I asked nervously.

She looked up at me and blinked. She must have forgot we where here. Typical. I looked at midnight.

"Midnight, I was going to tell about a possible attack on a pack. But I guess you don't care" I said angrily and then to a random direction. Just away from my mom and Midnight. I heard Midnight call my name loudly but I ignored him.

What has happened? My mom had my father. Wait, scratch that. She used to have my father. She had abandoned him. I dodged some trees. Their dark bark wasn't helping me blend in with the forest. I kept running. My paws flew on the ground below. Barely skimming the ground before taking off again. I finally stopped. I had just noticed my legs where aching and my breath coming in quick. How long had I been running? I hung my head, panting. I looked up to come face to face with my father.

"Hello, freak" he said.


They threw me in a cave, the entrance was covered by a boulder. Allowing little light to come in through the cracks. The boulder was outside. I put my front claws in a crack the boulder had. Ow ow ow. Bad idea.. I let go quickly and entered deeper in the cave. The attack would come sooner then I imagined.. I started pacing. What could I do? Nothing. For now. I was trapped in a stinky little den with barely any light and I can't hear anything from outside. I had tried digging when they first put me in. But I couldn't. The whole cave was stone. I sighed as I sat down. There was no way out. And no one was coming. No one knew I was here.

Storm's POV-

Why was I doing this? I asked myself mentally as I creped alongside the clearing where my mate was being held.

First of, your getting her to kill her. And second, she's not your mate, fluff brain! My father growled at me in my head. I shook my head. No, I wouldn't kill her. I saw the cave. A wolf was going in there. He pushed the boulder to open. This was my chance. He seemed like he was the only one there. I lunged at him. I tackled him to the ground and put my paw on his muzzle. I leaned in and bit his throat until he went limp. I let go in disgust. No alarm, no more wolves to kill. I didn't want more blood on my fangs then needed. A howl split the air. They must have realized the wolf was gone to long. I better hurry.. I looked inside the den.

"Mystic? You can come out. More wolves are coming. We have to leave." I whispered nervously. I looked inside closely. I could make out a white shape slowly coming out of the shadows. I took a step forward and instantly she took several back. Why was she acting like this?

"Mystic, I'm not going to hurt you. We got to leave" I told her softly.

She was close enough that I could make out her blue eyes. I heard a growl behind me. They're close..

Kill her now! We have to leave now! This time it was my human. Ethan talking in my mind. No! No more killing.. I looked at her desperately.

"Mystic, please! We have to leave now or else both of us will die!" I told her. That woke her up.

"Storm.. Please, leave me! You.. You rejected me. Leave me to die!" She told me. She sounded so miserable..

"No, not anymore! I'm not leaving you again!" I growled and looked at her blue eyes.

"We have to leave. We got to go now. There's a waterfall near here. Let's go!" I told her. I turned and ran. I heard her paw steps. Good, she was following me. We ran side by side. I heard the alpha of the Red Peak pack howl in outrage. They had lost their prisoner. I turned to look at Mystic. Her white pelt shining in the sunlight. Her blue eyes hard with determination. We dodged some trees. But their shadows could only do so much... Suddenly the dirt turned muddier and I stopped. I had been so caught up with my thoughts I hadn't heard the waterfall. The water rushed forward it's loud noise made it hard for me to believe that I missed it. There was a steep mountain, but on top was a little river. Well, little on the territory. The river fell away and crashed into the stream below. Becoming the thundering river that was in front of us. While I was admiring the waterfall, Mystic had plopped herself by a nearby tree panting heavily. I had forgotten she wasn't used to running.. I sat down next to her. She finched slightly but didn't complain.

Kill her now, she's close and she doesn't expect it. My father egged me.

Yeah! Kill her now! Please? Ethan begged me and I growled making Mystic jump. Great, I startled her.

"You ok?" She asked me nervously.

"No, I'm not. It's...My father and Ethan... I-I...have to leave now....before decide to kill you" I told her awkwardly. I already knew they had both decided to kill her. But I didn't want her scared.

"Oh. But I know you won't kill me, Storm" she told me softly

Shoot, her blue eyes where pleading. I couldn't say no. But I knew if I stayed any longer my thoughts would cloud my actions.

"I have too. My dad and Ethan.... I have to go. Now. I'm sorry" I said sadly. I watched her hopefully face turn sad. I felt horrible instantly.

Come on ,son. She's just a she-wolf my father told me.

Yeah, she's not Blue Ethan added.

I don't care. She's my mate! I yelled at them mentally.

I had been so absorbed in my conversation with my dad and human I didn't notice Mystic get up. Until her face was inches from mine.

"We'll find a way. Keep control, please. We'll find a way to get them out. We'll convince Ethan to see truth. Until careful, Alpha Storm." She told me softly.

I was completely unprepared for what happened next. She licked my cheek, then smiled. She looked slightly surprised with herself. She turned and walked away. Her white wolf walking into the tree line. She didn't look back. I could've stood there all day. Wondering what had happened.

She did not... Even my father sounded surprised.

Oh yes she did.... and she's going to pay! Ethan said sternly.

No, she's not. Calm down. It was just... I trailed off.

Even I didn't understand what exactly had happened. I thought she was mad at me for rejecting her... and when I left without warning. I don't know why.. hmm... But one thing was sure.

I had to keep fighting them. I couldn't let them control me or my thoughts. I had to do this. For my pack, my Betas, and my mate...Mystic.


This chapter is mostly Storm's POV. I want to know how you guys think about this. I know I haven't updated in a while. But I'm running out of ideas. But, an update has come! Even if it is a little short.. well, it's an update! :-)

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