Chapter 7- Alpha Storm's Secret

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I wake up again and find that I can open my right eye. But as I try to see,I find that I can't. I look around helplessly, I bark twice. Midnight and alpha had told me that they would fix it! Plus, aren't we suppose to 'heal' ourselfs? I get up from the bed and pad around the room unable to open the door with my paws. I sit down on the brown colored carpet looking at the ceiling. How the words come to me I don't know, it must be my human mind. I walk over to the opposite side of the door. Where a mirror stood. I look at myself. My sea blue eyes staring back at me, my snow white fur glistening in the light made from the room. I hear the door open and I immediately get up .I look over to see Alpha Storm. I sit down were I was and look at him.

"Yes? Alpha, is there something wrong?"
I noticed that his human face was hiding something

"Mystic, you have a visitor..." he said softly and open the door farther to let in beautiful white she wolf with silver stripes on her muzzle. I gasp as I scramble up to my feet, and stare at the wolf in front of me.

It was my mom

Alpha shifts to his wolf form and his fur looked like a blizzard, almost all grey and little spots of white. Compared to my mom, well... my mom had snow white fur and deep blue eyes that seemed to swallow me as she took cautious steps to me, not knowing how I would react. I jump to my feet, snarling. She takes some steps back. Alpha looks at me with silver eyes, studying me, I mean, I wish he would stop, it was getting weird.

I growl at my mom " you left me! You left me with that monster! You knew he was bad to me, he hated me! And yet you left me with him!"

I start shaking with fury. No, no part of my mind was saying. But the rest, the bigger part of it, was being to get out. I turn to the alpha

" You knew about it! You knew I came from the red peak pack! You knew my father was the alpha, yet you take me in?!"

I turn to my mom again, I snarl and storm onto the bed growling to myself I hear paw steps and turn my head up to see my mom's warm blue eyes. I bare my teeth but don't growl.

" arisa, I'm sorry, I had to leave, there's... ahh how should I put it? A code among us, we can't mate with normal wolves, but when your father saw me he forced me to be his mate, we had you.. I didn't know if you were one of us or one of them." She looks at me hurt in her eyes "please understand, I had to leave." She tells me. I sigh and sit down on my hunches

" Ok mom, I forgive you" I snap at her not yet liking the idea of it, but it was a start. I jump off the bed landing gracefully on all four paws. I look at the alpha and walk over to him he looks up his silver eyes hanging me. Watching my every move . I sit down next to him.

"Why are you here alpha?" I asked him curiously

He held his breath and let it out loudly

"I'm your mate"


The wolf on top is her mom.

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