Chapter 16- Oracle?

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I now know that Pine had accepted me as her alpha female. She had accepted me as her lovers mate. With those four words all that came to me. I turned to look at her. My mom had Lilly smiling and midnight was behind Pine a little ways of. All of them wore the same expression. Shock, complete and utter shock. I looked at my mortal enemy.

"What did you say?" I asked after several attempts failed by closing and opening my mouth like a fish.

"Your not getting me to say that again" she retorts. And gets up. Her bitten ear was still bleeding. But she shakes herself, then she turns to glare at me. And she storms of to the mines.

"That was.... surprising" I heard midnight's voice behind me. I turned to look at him. My blue eyes sparkling

"She accepted me!" I said happily.

"Uh, yeah.... But I meant how you fought. I've seen you only twice now like that. Why are you like that.?" He asked me curiously

It was time everyone knew more about me. I turned once again to my mom and Lily. I motioned them with my tail tip to come. They looked nervous but came forward immediately. Once they where here I spoke.

"I was like that when I fought because I was mad, jealous, protective and..... sad"

I hung my head. I knew what was coming next and I didn't like it.

"Why where you sad?"my mom asked softly.

I took a deep breath. Now, I had to tell them. I had to but I just couldn't. I couldn't tell him how much he hurt me. How much it had made me cry. How much it made me learn, that even your closest friends can leave you behind like nothing happened. The sadness it caused me...

"Mystic?" I heard midnight's worried voice

I looked at him, I could imagine how I looked like. A big white wolf with a scar on her right eye, never to be healed again, her other eye dull with sadness.

"Mystic, you can tell us." Lilly's softy voice flooded my ears

I focused on her voice. I imagined her in my mind.

I can tell you

I thought to her hopefully she got it. I lifted my head to see her reaction. Her eyes where wide open and her mouth slightly ajar. I closed my eyes again and thought my human. I imagined her once again in my mind and took a breath.

Our mate, storm and Ethan... they rejected us

I was completely unprepared for her reaction. Her eyes narrowed, her mouth closed into a tight line. Her hands clenched at her sides. I knew what she was thinking. And I did to.

Mad, sad, grief, betrayal, anger.

We growled at the same time. Lilly's growl was animalistic. Mine too was wolf. The animal in us wanted to play.

With him.

Midnight and my mom looked at us curiously. They didn't know what we knew. They didn't feel what we felt. I could feel an internal war in her. Anger and sadness in between her. Obviously, anger won for her. But me, I was worn down by the knowledge that he rejected us. I was sad. Yes, I was angry at him. But I was scared of him too now.

"He rejected us! That little....." I could hear Lilly's fury in her voice. But I couldn't look at her. I looked at my mom and midnight. They looked surprised and yet... not.

"I thought you guys would be mad or surprised" I stated softly looking at them.

"We are, but we thought he had enough control..." Midnight told me

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