Flirting with the signs

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Impetuous. You are easily infatuated, then may lose interest if you get bored. If someone sparks your interest, your "rapid response" can get you involved too quickly when caution could be the better approach.

Direct and bold. You make your interest or intentions known, and are rarely subtle or shy about it. You can risk rejection and recover from a rebuff. You'll flirt fearlessly and make overtures overtly.

Challenging. You present a challenge, acting coy or cocky or "hard-to-get". And you like a challenging conquest too. You may engage in sports or a game of chance to attract the attention of one you desire.

Competitive. You love to be chased, to elude, then let yourself be caught. Flirting is a game, and you play to win.

Ardent. You seem passionate, and love to be "swept away" with desire. You can be enthusiastic and energetic and seem "full of fire" to one you desire.

Independent. You seem self-reliant and appreciate self-assurance in those you chose to flirt with. A wimp wouldn't win your warmth and affection.


"The good provider". You show you can offer both material things and sensual comforts. You may try to modestly show off your possessions or purchasing power.

Easygoing. You seem "easy to be with", calm, comfortable, and soothing; and you like to share "quiet times" and everyday activities such as shopping and cooking and dining.

Touchable. You look cuddly and huggable; and are physically responsive. You seem "safe" and "approachable" and send out "good vibes" . You show affection through physical contact. You can be a "huggy bear".

Hedonistic. You love all sensual pleasures such as food, art, drink, music, perfumes, fondling, or sex; and you show it and want to share it.

Nature-loving. Our appreciate nature, plants, animals, rocks, sands, sunsets, woods, fields, streams, lakes and oceans; and like to share nature walks, camping, campfire gatherings, gardening, being with animals, outdoor cookings, or just sitting outside.

Honest. You seem sincere, truthful, forthright, uncomplicated, and dependable; and show you can be relied on. You are also very loyal to those you care about.


Sweet-talker. You have a way with words. You're very good at flirting and teasing and can charm and cajole anyone with that "silver tongue". You might also be tempted devious and speak with "forked tongue" (as the Native Americans used to say). You are adept at adapting your style to suit the seduction.

Witty. When interested you can turn into a quick-witted and clever conversationalist, and you love the witty banter and the inviting innuendo. Double meanings and puns are your tricks of the trade when in "flirt mode". You are perceptive of details and notice the response you are getting, so you can swiftly switch style to sustain interest.

Raconteur. You can relate endless stories about people or events or experiences to arouse the interest of one you desire.

Writer. You like to write notes, poems, or long letters to the object of your desire. You may even send love notes by fax or a romantic email greeting card. Internet chat rooms may also suit your style or flirting with written communications.

Phone-mate. You love long romantic phone calls or Internet meeting-by-modem (and may even enjoy "phone sex").

Reader. You love to share or give books, and to discuss books or ideas. You could shamelessly flirt in a book store or library or lecture hall.

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