SHOCKED To See Me? (Chptr.2)

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Jay's POV
"Hello?" I said walking over to the other side if the tree, "Hi, S-Sorry if interrupted what you're doing." A teary girl said "You look kinda depressed. Mind if I ask why?" I said "I don't want to say why." She said looking away "I'll guess instead. Is it problems or memories associating this day and place?" I ask, she didn't answer but she nodded, "Before I loved going here with him, but after what he done to me here, This place only reminds me of a broken heart." She said "Why am I even talking to you? Its not like you understand why am I sobbing here. Alone. Lonely." She said almost crying, I pat her back and said: "Don't worry I completely understand every word you said.", "You do?" She asks "A month ago, My best friend took away the only wish I had since I was a kid." I said.

"What wish was that?" She asks "Every man or woman knows that most people wish for Love, Money, fame, or even food. But I wished for Love, Months of impressing her, she finally fell onto my hands, until he managed to snatch the wish I made." I said "We're in the same situation." She said, "Why is that?" I asked "A week ago, the same thing happened but he left me like I was nothing to him and took my best friend away from me. Its like some people doesn't know how people are fragile beings, they like to play with their hearts sometimes and sometimes the person itself, they manipulate us just for exchange of happiness, love, and etc. but in the mere end they exchanged all those effort from ours and gave nothing back." She said in the midst of crying.

"I'm Jay by the way." I said "Jay huh? I'm Y/N.". "Y/N!! There you are!!" A boy yelled "Why are you here?!" She said "I want to be with you. I'm sorry I feel so foolish to leave you. Please give me a second chance." He said "Sorry I'll become more of a fool in giving you a second chance." She standing up "C'mon Jay let's get some smoothies, my treat." She said pulling me.

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