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I watch Ash sit on the table Sam is sitting at. He closes his laptop as Ash says.

"Saw my dream come true." Her smile could light up a whole room.

The window shattered.

Gun fire.

I saw Ash fall to the i dropped down to. Sam pulled ash over to him. I couldn't see if she was hit or not. All i heard was more gunfire and Jay yelling.

"Stay away ass-hat." She walked in our room."we need to leave now."

"Ash was shot." Sam says as Bobby runs in the room holding all the stuff.

"Where." I scream at Sam my eyes about to pop.

"Shoulder." I hear Ash say her voice is quiet

Sam helps her into a chair she takes her t-shirt off. And she has a tang top on under. Blood drips down Bobby has a bag of crap to deal with this.

"On a scale of one to ten how much does it hurt." Sam asked.


"Hundred." I groaned this pain is like a thousand bricks are getting thrown at you and you can't make it stop no one can.

"Bite down on this." Sam places a rag in my mouth.

Bobby has tweesers to pull the bullet out with. Jay begins to tie my long brown bloody hair back.

"Get ice." I hear Jay shout to dean who im guessing is in shock.

The tweesers enter the wound.

"She needs stiches." Bobby mumbles to Sam. "Some glass cut her on the leg too."

Sam grabbs my leg and rolls up my jeans and begins to pull the glass out of my leg. Bobby pulls the bullet out.

More bricks are thrown at me more pain goes through me.

Bobby begins to pull the glass out as Sam begins to wrap my leg.

Now its like the bricks are on fire.

Bobby begins to do the stiches.

Next thing i know he begins to wrap my and then it over. I use my right arm as i was shot in the left. To pull the rag out of my mouth.

I begin to stand up i have a small limp. I grab my duffle bag as Dean hands me some ice I put it on my shoulder.

We all walk out of the room im going to ride in the impala with Sam and Dean. Sam is going to drive because of Deans broken leg.


We pull up to a wood cabin
And we all stumble inside.

"Where is Farra." I whisper under my breath.

Sam is seated at the table across from me Dean is on the couch with his leg propped up Bobby is at the store and Jay is in the shower next thing I know Crowley is standing in front of me.

" you want." I asked I have my knife out Sam and Dean both have guns on him.

"To tell you something." He walked up to me. Placed a hand on my shoulder I stand up

"What would that be?" I question.

"Even with the seams stich ed tightly darling the scars will remain." He put his hand on the shoulder I was just shot in I wince in pain as he let's go.


Hello babies I went shopping for scholarships and got my crap OK so please vote level ideas for me to do nooks to write OK so didn't know this till two months ago Jensen Ackles was in Smallville he dated Lanna Lang. Yeah.


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