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Me and Zak sat in the back of the impala watching Sam and dean burn a body the snow was falling Christmas in two weeks I doubt I'll even celebrate it any more even when me and mom were on the run we would still watch the Grinch and decorate the tree we even got each other a gift least than five dollars but it was Christmas Sam and dean were walking to the car.
"You guys are gonna stay at bobby's." Dean said starting the car
And pulling out .
"Why I want to hunt." I replied as I buckled up I don't wanna die again.
"Last time you hunted you died ash no." Dean said looking at me in the rear view mirror.
"Will I ever be able...t.to be NorMal." I said staring into deans eyes.
"You chose this life." Sam said."normal just doesn't happen."
"Either does dying ." I said looking to Sam.
Zak fell asleep so I buckled him up he was a year younger than me I skipped a grade and he was held back me met in third grade I've became like a big sister we barley talk any more science my mom died but he found me .
"No means no Ash." Dean said.
"I can kill I mean I trained all day."
"You also yoused you angel powers." Sam stated.
"Uggggg." I said I put in my head phones and hummed to hey Jude.

When I woke I was panting and holding the seat in front of me Zak and Sam were standing outside the car and Dean was sitting beside me calming me down I drempt of Hell again and Dean streaked my hair. My eyes were forced shut I stayed in my position Dean slowly helped me out of the car. I refused to move.
" look at me."
I didn't move.
"Its safe." Deans gentle voice was at my right side I felt his comforting voice I turned my head to him keeping my eyes closed.
"Its safe." Those words haunted me no it wasn't
I looked away from dean his fingers on my chin.
"Don't think I would ever hurt you as long as I'm here your gonna be OK." I opened my eyes and hugged him Sam and Zak were walking inside. When me and dean got out of the car.his hands on my shoulder rubbing them he could tell I was on edge. When we walked in bobby was ordering pizza Zak and Sam were talking at the table.
"It wasn't just a vampire attack he had his heart ripped out."
"Did the vamp feed on him or just..kill him?" Zak asked.
I was pacing around the room.
"Kill" Sam said opening his laptop
"Dean can we talk In private." I asked looking to dean
"Sure." We walked out
"Whatcha wanna talk about."
I looked out the window the snow was falling.
"Can we celebrate Christmas." I said looking at deans relfiction. Through the snow covered window.
"I know the rule hunts don't fall in love or celebrate holidays don't mix up cake and pie when on the run always always be prepared for an attack when in doubt oder pizza." I stared at dean through the glass "I mean me and mom even when we were on the run we celebrated it means a lot to me plus." I turned around to see his eyes in the same spot mine were. "I was dead for a year an might of missed my last one."
Dean smiled at me "we will gat a tree at the end of the week and give you a hunters Christmas."
I smiled mouthed thank you and walked away.
Dean p.o.v

Ashley ran up stairs I heard her playing music and I walked back in the kitchen with Sam
"What was that about?" He asked
"Were gonna celebrate Christmas Sammy." I replied

Now I was gonna pray to Cass and have him explain
"Yo Cass its Later." I whispered under my music witch was
Best of 2012 pop mash-up
I waited till he appeared.
"Tell me about Eleanor." That name slipped out like blood
"Your mom was poor in need of a job she was only 17 when she had you and when you were two you got sick deathly you nearly died pale skin the air that slipped out was pained so your mom went to a healer a demon who hid it well your mom left her alone in the room with her she put her blood in you and began a slient chat that when you turned 13 you shall become her demon slave or she will come."
I began to take deep breaths the walls were shaky Cass turned my music off and yelled for Sam and dean the ran up the stairs The walls were closing in on me panic attack I collapsed I felt my legs give out Dean jumping over to my side the instant I hit the ground I wasn't fully out he helped me against the wall a ice bag on my head I began to stand up.
"T..the dr...dre...dress." The words were pain like I was choking on something but nothing was there.
"The black dress appeared on you when you died and op0 back and died..." Casitels voice trailed off his monotone voice sothed me.
"Why me?" I looked to dean."Why am I your daughter I can't no I want my apple pie life back being a hunter." My arms moved as I paced around the room my voice getting louder by each letter of every word."Being a hunter is like burnt crust off a pie with no filling. I want my mom this is a dream this has to be." Dean placed his arm on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

WHAT I BECAME (SPN)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon