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I hear the school bell ring I run out of the school I see Zak get on his bus I walk home as I walk I see Lizzy kick a soccer ball into her front yard.

I have lots of friend Lizzy has bright red hair always tied up so she can play soccer her favorite sport.

And Zak my little brother well not really he is like my brother I always shield him from dodge balls like a protecter, are parents travel a lot they hunt I don't know what I just know they hunt.

I walk home I see the school busses my mom said she is going to sell the house so we can hunt why I don't want to move I'm only 10. I barley know what hunting is but she wants me to do it.

I walk up the cement path see the Daisey's,sun flowers and Lillie's growing in the front yard the blue paint on the outside of the house the white door I twist the knob and open the door.

I see my mom in the living room with three men around her. A woman with bright red hair with her hand on my moms chest. She was wearing a red dress and blazer.

"Ah this must be the one." The red haired woman said.

My light brown hair was up my bag draped across my shoulder my hand tighten around the strap. "Mom whats going on."
I ask knowing its not good.

"Its going-" my mother began my hands now at my sides i begin to look for something sharp behind me.

"Slience!" The woman shouted. Wrapping her hands around my moms neck then the woman only one hand to my moms neck stapped her in the stomach and all of them disappeared. Their were a bunch of Men in black around the room My mom now on the hard wood floor. I dropped my bag and ran to her.

"Honey im done for grab what you need bed room...... c.c.c.loset two d.d.duffle bags already full pack some clothes an......"

"What mom what." Tears on my face i packed my clothes and the other bags i grabbed a match and watched my house go down in flames.

         Because she said that's how you lay a hunter to rest.

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