"I can't get over the fact that you've done anal," Joe whispered in my ear, laughing lightly.

"Joe!" I laughed, "Why? It was a long time ago! Do you see it as bad?" 

"No, baby. If anything it's hot!" Joe smirked.

"F.uck off!" I laughed, playfully shoving him away.

"Would you be opposed?" He asked nervously.

"No," I shook my head, "We would just need to take precautions I guess," I laughed.

"Okay," Joe laughed awkwardly.

"Don't make this awkward, you brought it up!" I laughed.

"Sorry baby, I just don't want to pressure you, and it's viewed as such a taboo thing sometimes, I guess."

"Most couples have tried it, don't worry. I'm actually kind of surprised you've never brought it up, now that you mention it," I laughed, "Oh by the way, I have a few appointments tomorrow morning, so I'll be out," I reminded Joe.

"Oh yeah, where are you going again?" He asked.

"I'm going to get waxed and get my eyebrows done, then to get my hair done with Zoe," I nodded.

"Okay," Joe nodded, giving me small kiss on the cheek.

I resorted to just getting waxed every couple of weeks because it's cleaner and less of a hassle for me because I just go get waxed when I get my eyebrows done. At first I hated the idea of waxing because it always hurt, but then after the first couple of times it hurt less and it just became easier to maintain. 

"We'll have doughnuts for breakfast tomorrow!" Joe cheered to the kids.

"You're going to give them more sugar?!" I laughed.

"Yay!" The kids cheered in unison, climbing all over Joe and I now.

"They'll be fine!" Joe laughed.

"Okay," I laughed cautiously.


"Okay, I need to go," I smiled, giving Joe and the kids a kiss the next morning as I was leaving for my appointments.

"Okay Minxie, tell Zoe I say 'Hi!'" Joe smiled.

"Will do, she may just come over afterwards for a bit, we'll see," I nodded.

I drove down to my first appointments to get waxed and my eyebrows done before I had my appointment with Zoe to get our hair done.

"Hello, love! How are you?" Clarysta asked, the lady who always helps me at this salon.

"I'm great thank you, you?"

"Just fine, thanks. Come on back. Is it just the regular?" She asked.

"Yes please," I nodded.

She waxed and did my eyebrows quickly as we spoke about our families and what not. 

"Thanks again!" I smiled, giving her a hug before I left.

"No problem, see you in a couple weeks!"

I left to drive down to the hair salon to meet Zoe.

"Zoe!" I squealed, giving her a hug.

"Minxie! How are you?" She smiled.

"Great, you?"

"Great also. I'm excited to catch up and get our hair done!" She said giddily.

We went in and each explained to the stylists on what we wanted done with our hair. I just wanted some more highlights and lowlights then to darken the roots a bit, nothing drastic. Zoe was getting a bit more length taken off and then a lighter, ashier, ombre on the bottom of her ends.

"So, what's new?" Zoe asked.

"Not much," I shook my head, "Oh, except Joe's decided he wants another kid."

"Another baby? Or to adopt another?"

"To have another kid," I laughed.

"Wow, I always thought he only wanted two kids," Zoe said.

"Yeah, me too. A boy and a girl. But now he's changed his mind apparently," I laughed lightly.

"Do you want another child?"

"I'm not sure. I don't see why not, but then again I don't see why we should either."

"Ah, I see," Zoe nodded.

"But he's not pressuring me to, he's just expressed his interest and want."

"Do you guys usually use protection?"

"Usually, we didn't today though," I shook my head.

"Wow Minx!" Zoe laughed jokingly.

"I'm sorry. One thing lead to another and we both forgot. Then I told him afterwards and he was apologising as if there is no tomorrow," I laughed.

Zoe doesn't really care hearing about these things, mainly because it's mutual and we tell each other little things like this. Also, we're best friends and I guess best friends share stuff like this with each other. I guess people might think that it's weird because she's Joe's sister but I don't think that she thinks about it too much, so it's fine.

"Do you want to run a few errands after this? I have a few things I need to buy from the market," Zoe suggested.

"Yeah, I think there's quite a few things I need to get too," I nodded, "S.hit, I don't have the list though."

"Just have Joe send you a picture of it, or text you it," Zoe suggested.

I texted Joe and he sent me the list, with a few added purchases, such as lubricant, complete with a winky face.

I just laughed and put my phone away as Zoe and went to the front to pay and thank the stylists before leaving.


a/n: thanks for reading so much. I love u all so so so much and it means a lot that u all enjoy reading this and continue. leave any suggestions and comments. Love u all loads. X

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