Chapter 18 war on europa p3

Start from the beginning


Jevos:ash I can't overlook what you have's a shame you have great potential.

I look around to see Nekros,solstice,metalia,forazt and cryo staring at me

Jevos:you have killed one of ours this alone is severe....but then you did it under red veil orders making it more severe... Frost did you know about this prior to today? must have happened the one time we split up..

Jevos:okay I'll think over the punishment..

Ash:(There is a those few moments I was so tense yet afraid of what he would say...but I've brought this upon myself....I can't do much other then let it happen...)

Jevos:okay your punishment...Nekros.

Nekros:yes Jevos?

Jevos:take him to planet 95.

Everyone in the room except for Nekros reacts with fear

Ash:Jevos what...what is planet 95.

Solstice:sir if I may

Jevos:go ahead.

Solstice:in short it's a planet that's become corrupted...many wars took there toll in that planet it's become a half destroyed broken down our syndicates tradition it's where we send traitors.

Jevos:take him out of my sight.

Nekros gets up and grabs me

Nekros:come on let's go.


Frost looks away

When we head back to the boarding area we see some ships have left already but I see the the two excaliburs,mag and wukong look over they just stare at me.limbo walks up to me and puts his hand on my back

Limbo:well look on the bright helped the cephalon.


Limbo:I'll tell her you were a good information leech

Ash:(is this it for me)

Nekros puts me in the plane and throws me back in room where operators used to be.the loud speaker cuts on

Nekros:sit tight even with our tech this is a day long flight.

Ash(how far out is this planet?! Is it even in this galaxy?!)

I hear footsteps come in the ship

Nekros:what do you two want.

I hear frost speak

Frost:me and mag are here to see our friend for the ride.

Nekros:he's in the back don't bother me about getting him out of this punishment though.

I see the door open and frost and mag walk in. Mag has her leg wrapped up.

Mag:he hasn't hurt you yet has he?

Ash:I think he is waiting until we get there to do anything

We then feel the ship take off the run way

Mag:what was your punishment?

Frost:they say he has to go to planet 95.

Mag jumps back


Ash:what's on that planet?

Mag:...there arnt even any warframes that came off the planet to the tale..

Frost and ash:?!

Frost:so no one even knows what's on it?

Mag:I've heard from Clem x there are weak signal traces there.

Ash:they confiscated my weapons too..

Frost:those arbiters....

Mag whispers to me:take this

She hands me two vasto revolvers

Mag:this way you stand a chance.


Ash:is there atleast anyone out on the planet that could help me?

Mag:anyone else that been dumped might help you....if they weren't dumped for more evil reasons.

Ash:so you think what I did wasn't evil?

Mag:pfft if I was in red veils base I would have done the same thing.

Frost:that might be why Jevos didn't just straight up kill you right there.

Mag:atleast on planet 95 you might have a chance to survive.

Frost:I..hope you don't die we have missions to do..friend

I'm shocked he called me friend

Ash:I..I'll try not too

Mag: this isn't something many people say but if you get in trouble try to go into that infested mode.

Ash:it seems to activate in random times I think about others..

Frost:if you almost die on that planet just try to think of everyone...alright?

Ash:I'll try...

Frost:oh and ash.


Frost:when you fought shadow Janus as that infested beast why did you randomly stop..

Ash:.....I guess I got caught in emotion.

Mag:who was she before she died?

Ash:she was that Janus Valkyrie I told you about when we first met.

Mag:oh..I'm sorry for your loss..again.

Ash:I want my memories...of her.....of that time to go away..

Frost:you would regret that more..


Frost:you would feel like your missing something in your life..


Frost:and Janus wouldnt want mourning her death this much when something is about to happen to you would she? she wouldn't.

Mag:don't worry when we head back I'll try to get the steel meridian to help you..

Frost:I'll get the syndicate vanquinn NX's help too..

Ash:thanks guys it means a lot to me.

Mag:don't go dying out bastard..


Frost:I will get you back partner..


The loudspeaker cuts on mag and frost come here for a minute

Frost:.okay we will be back.

Mag and frost step out but then the door slams shut behind them.



Nekros:you guys talked the whole day so we are there.


Nekros hits a button and my whole room starts shaking

Nekros:yes but in the literal sense.

My room detaches from the ship and starts falling to the planet

Frost and mag:ASHHHHH!!!!!!

I start dropping towards the planet..


The planet starts getting closer and closer

Ash:(after all that if I die from this fall)

The ship segment hits the floor with me inside

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