"I hope this road isn't very long," Ronnie says, his voice vibrating because of the road.

"Me too," I agree, my voice doing the same, and I laugh a little.

~Rozz's POV

I dump out all the bottles on the floor and mix them up with my hands. Over 200 pills sat in front of me, all of them having a different purpose.

I stare at them, my brain kept telling me no, while the voice in my head was whispering do it. I grab a handful, tears streaming down my, and open my mouth.

"I'm ready to die..." I whisper as I close my eyes.

I drop stick as many as I can in my mouth and swallow. I choke and spit out about five on to the floor.

I picked up the few that I spit out and swallowed them by themselves, and then my mind began racing.

Suddenly I want to take it all back. I wanted the pills to still be in the bottles and in the closet. Suddenly I regreted it all.

Im not scared of dying. No, not scared at all. I'm scared of what people will think of me, I'm scared of what Jamie, Vic, Tony, Kellin, any of my friends or family would do. I didn't want them to think I was a coward... I don't want them to take their own lives. I want them to pretend I never lived, that I never came into their lives. I want their lives to be better than they were when I was there.

My mind started to slow down. My body started to go numb.

"I just wish I could tell them why I did this..." I whisper, then suddenly I hear a car... No multiple CARS!

~Kellin's POV

"Stay in the car!" I tell Jamie and Katelynn as I jump out of the car.

Everyone was parking and jumping out to join me in front of the small house.

"Ready?" Jaime asks, and I nod.

We all walk over to the door, and I knock.

"Open up!" I yell, my voice slightly cracking as I did so.

No one answers and I look at everyone and mentally ask if someone can kick the door in. Austin walks up and kicks in the door for us all, and we run in.

"GET OUT!" Rozz's mother screams as she runs in, gun in one hand, knife in the other.

We all stand frozen, not daring to move.

"We can work this out..." Oli says as he takes a step foward, she aims the gun at him and he stops.

"No we can't. now get out of my damn house!"

"Please. Just put the gun down," Tony says as he pulls a pistol up and aims it at her.

No one seemed to know where he got it, but we didn't question it either.

Tension grew, and I felt at any moment it would snap. Suddenly I hear the familiar Bang of a pistol. and the woman drops to the floor.

"You bastard! You fucking shot me in the damn fucking arm!" She says and another gun goes off. This time it's hers, but it wasn't aimed at any of us.

~Rozz's POV

One... two.... two bangs echoed through my room. Both being gun shots.

"She shot them... she fucking killed them..." I say, my words slurring together as the world in front of me begins to fade.

I will be dead by the time anyone finds me... I just know it.

~Tony's POV

I sit the gun down on the ground and run through the house.

"Everyone pick a room! We will find her quicker!" Kellin's voice says strongly.

I find a door and try to turn the knob. Locked.... I look down and see its locked from the outside so I turn the lock and open the door.

"I found her!" I yell as loudly as I can.

Rozz is laying across the floor, pills scattered all around her. Her eyes still open, but she didnt act like she saw me

"Call the police.... NOW!" I add as I run up to her.

I shake her violently and suddenly she whispers something to me.

"I love you..."

I stare at her in disbelief at what she just said, and then I see the bruises that lined her skin. She looked beyond terrible... no she looked broken, beaten, abused, unloved.

Her mother had no heart... none whatsoever if she did this.

Everyone was coming into the room, gasps were exchanged and a small amount of whispering was  happening.

"She has no bed... no furniture."

"She's dead..."

"She's overdosed..."

"She looks terrible..."

"Stop! Please! She's still alive!! I promise! everyone just please!" I beg.

"Perry.. let me hold her..." Kell says and I hand her over to him. "My god... That bitch is going to get it.... Baby... Rozz... I love you..." He whispers as tears fall down his face.

~Rozz's POV

"...I love you...." Kellin whispers and I look around.

Everyone seemed to be here. Andy, Tony, Vic, Austin, everyone.

The fog seemed to get darker, and the voices in the room were replaced by a lighter tone of the voices in my head. Go to the light, they said... but well... their is no light. It's just dark, like when you are passing out from getting to hot, it's a fading darkness.

"I love you all..." I whisper back as I bury my head into Kellin's shirt.

The darkness was almost fully over me. I could barely make out the shapes in the room. It was like I was alone.

"Don't go!" I hear Jamie yell, and I try to reply but I can't. I can't make myself speak anymore.

My vision completely fades and I sit waiting for the blinding light that everyone says not to go to, but it doesn't come.

I guess the light is only for Christians...or maybe for those who don't commit suicide... I guess the ones of us who dont fall into those categories dont get to go. We go straight to Hell. I guess I always knew that's where I was going anyways, so why even think I would get a light?


Sorry it took so long! ive been beyond busy!! Thank you to the ones who commented on the last chapter, it really helped me get to know you guys. Keep reading and remember to vote if you like it and want me to continue it! oh and comment ideas! I love you guys, I hope you don't hate me too much....

and look at the last message on my message board, it's to all of you guys!

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