Chapter 19

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    There will always be a first time and most of my first times were with Blake. Obviously, since I don't have any ex.

One of the firsts is being frustrated over somebody who doesn't call back, text back or even writes back after a long time. I've experienced it when Blake took a long vacation to bring Diane's son to his grandparents in Florida. Diane was out of the country that time for a business so there was no one who could bring him there. The vacation which was supposed to be a week-long one, turned into more than a month.

I cannot complain though; she also needs some relaxing after a lot of work load. Unfortunately, and inexplicably, signals are faltering in that area that time that she cannot text me, call me or email me. I was worried about her, missing her and of course fussing over the fact that she is with Diane's family.

It was a one of the worst times of my life I could ever recall. I am not even sure if we are still together as a couple that time. Whenever she has the signal, we will just call one another for about three minutes and she will always be busy, going somewhere or doing some errands that she cannot stay on phone longer. She always tells me she's going to email me instead but the emails were much worse. It would always say she's doing great, never been relaxed in her life, that she is enjoying the beach, that I should not worry, she is enjoying herself, and that she will be back as soon as she can.


Now I am afraid it's going to happen again. She is going to work as a substitute professor again but this time in San Diego. It's near but still it's a two-hour drive and a four-hour drive back and forth. She is going to stay with her aunt's for the meantime and that will mean a long time away from me.

I am not sure what to expect. I don't like expecting. She will be leaving on Monday and she will be spending this weekend doing the arrangements and preparing the things she will bring for the trip. She did not say it but when I asked her earlier on the phone if she wants me to come over, she hesitated and she tells me she is not so sure. She won't be able to entertain me or maybe fix our meals and all the valid excuses. I suppose she will be very busy so I did not push my luck.

She did tell me that she is going to drive here early Sunday morning so she can say goodbye. I am not cool with that but...

I have been noticing a lot of changes with Blake. She hasn't been like her old self for the longest time now. I don't want to complain though. She might say I am just being childish.

Whenever I catch her spending a lot of time on her phone or on her laptop, I will just dismiss them and not say anything. She will always give me an excuse that she is busy, she is tired, she needs to finish something and all. She is not afraid to spend a lot of time away from me, not that I have been so dependent on her, but sometimes, she doesn't want to coexist in my world. She doesn't look at me the same, she doesn't talk to me the same. She is always not in the mood, always sleepy, and she had been irritable.

I should be telling you a story, but instead I am ranting out. I don't want to rant out to Tia. She had been asking about Blake and I and I don't know what to say. I don't want Tia to think negatively when it comes to Blake. She had been very protective of me back when she learned that Blake is still having Diane in the apartment and that Diane is having a baby, and that Blake is taking responsibility, etc.

Blake's image is already shattered when it comes to Tia. She had been very forgiving though when Tia slapped her one time without knowing why Tia did it. It was weekend when Tia came over to visit me. While we were watching a movie, Blake arrives and sits beside Tia. Tia was very friendly that time, complimenting Blake and telling her how good she looks. Out of the blue, she laughs at something, might be the movie, then she faces Blake on the couch, still laughing, she slaps at Blake, hard and crisp on the face.

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