Straightening Things Out

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          When we reach the throne room, Ben sets me down in his throne before asking a guard to bring him another. "Ben, really, all this is not necessary," I say. I put my feet on the ground gently, pushing myself to stand. I take a few steps before sitting down.

"I think it is. I wasn't here to protect you so I'm going to do it now," Ben says.

I sigh and shake my head as a guard enters. "Sir, there are three people here to see you."

Ben looks at me and I nod. "Bring them in," he requests. The guard bows before leaving. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," I assure.

Ben's parents walk in and come to stand beside us. Ben sees me trying to get up and helps, pulling my arm over his shoulder. Jay walks in, holding the twins by their collars as they try to run out. "Close the doors! They're a little feisty," Jay comments. I chuckle and step forward, leaving Ben there in his shock.

"Ben, Sophia," I say when I'm close enough for only them to hear me. "Hey, guys." They turn to me and run at me, making me grunt when they hit me. I see the guards surge forward, but I look back at Ben and he stops them. "It's alright, guys. The king isn't gonna hurt you. I wouldn't have had Jay brought you two here if there was any danger. You know this." They look up at me, still terrified.

"I'm sorry about what I said before. On the Isle. I didn't mean it, I was just frustrated and angry. I didn't want you to go again."

"It's alright," I reply. "I know you didn't mean it. Now, I think it's time you meet someone." They pull away and I take their hands. I pull them forward, despite their dug in heels, and towards Ben.

"Mal, what's going on?" he asks. "You knew where Steven and Jessica were?"

"Steven and Jessica?" I ask.

I turn to them and they point at Jay. "Don't hate the player!" he cut in.

"Yeah, but you couldn't come up with anything better?" I ask. "Anyway." I pull Ben and Sophia towards Ben and his parents who still look very confused. "So apparently, Jay's been hiding them in more ways than one. Now, what are you going to say to the King about breaking in here."

"We're sorry that we broke into your room. We didn't mean to cause any trouble. We were just trying to find Mal. Jay wouldn't let us come cause then we wouldn't get to stay," Sophia says.

"Why wouldn't you get to stay?" King Ben asks.

"Mal would send us back. To keep us safe," Ben replies.

"Back? Safe from what? Mal, what's going on?!" King Ben demands. He walks forward and looks me in the eye.

I sigh and push the twins forward. "I told you before that I was an only child and in the eyes of everyone who's ever met me, excluding Jay, that's true. But, it's not."

"Truest hearts know both love and hate, they'll decided the future's fate. Through twins of evil and light's upbringing, let the darkness depart and love start singing. The mother's darkness could end their light, but a sister's love could help end the fight. A future's secret's knows no bound, but two as one can hold their ground," They recite together.

"Ben, I'd like you to meet my little brother and sister, Ben and Sophia," I inform. "When they were born, my mother told me to leave them outside to die from exposure. She'd been killing any twins found on the Isle because of the prophecy. I just couldn't do it, so I hid them away and raised them since then. Jay's helped me since he found out. I've kept them a secret from everyone to protect them. The more people that knew, the more people that could tell my mother. They are the future leaders of the Isle. Even Evie and Carlos don't know about them."

"That's not true," Jay interrupts. I look at him. "I introduced them to the twins. They snuck here by hiding as birds in my bag."

"So, you have siblings that no one knows about," Ben says. He walks forward and pulls me into a hug. "Thanks for trusting me enough to tell me."

"There's more," I continue. I pull away and look at the twins. Ben looks between us. My eyes flare with magic and theirs respond. Ben steps back nervous.

"They were the ones controlling you? For a week?" He asks. I can see his anger boiling. "They put you in this condition?!"

I nod. "But they didn't mean it. They don't have a lot of experience with their magic. They've never really needed to use it for anything and I guess I didn't teach them as well as I thought."

"What's he talking about?" Sophia asks.

"For the past week," Beast starts, attempting to hide his frustration. "She's stood stock still. Didn't eat, didn't sleep and if anyone approached, she'd attack. She was being controlled by someone, or apparently two someone's."

And of course, right after he explains, my knees buckle. I catch myself with my hands and just sit there as Ben rushes forward. "I told you, you need to rest, Mal. You're exhausted and dehydrated. Come on." He picks me up bridal style and carries me out. Jay takes Ben and Sophia's hands, lead them to where Ben is bringing me. He sets me down on my bed where the twins climb up to join me. Ben looks a rejected but I move over a little so he can fit next to me. He smiles, sitting down. "You just rest." Someone walks in and sticks the IV back into my arm. It's weird. "We can talk more when you wake up." He plants a kiss on my forehead and runs a hand through my hair, lulling me to sleep.

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