Satan's lair.

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"And these are the halls in which the most famous personnels have gathered from around the world."

"But Sameer, what is so unsual about this place? All that talk?"

"Sir I suggest you leave the town talk alone. Keep to your business and nothing is going to bother you."

As Sameer led him to the master bedroom, Jalal heard sounds of people running behind the walls.

He cupped his ears to the wall. Sounds like there are a couple of them, he thought.

"Aah! Talib, leave me." Giggles. Laughter. Someone being lifted off their feet. "Talib stop it!" The girl gets shushed.

"Talib stop it there are people watching!" At this point Jalal withdrew his ear and looked for Sameer. He was nowhere to be seen.

Someone taps his shoulder from behind. "Sir, this way, please." Sameer looked strangely ahead, unsurprised by Jalal's actions.


"Ziaaa! Ziaa. Where is that girl?"

Zia walks in after some time. Slap!

"You cannot come when you're called? I'm this close to taking the cane to you girl."

"Sorry, mother. I was praying Maghrib." Tears roll down her cheeks, and her temperature drops some 20°.

"I don't care if you were serving the Queen of England. When I call you, you stop whatever you're doing, and you come over."

"Okay, mm-m-mother." She stares at the sunken holes beneath her mother's eyes, and tries to stop the tears.

Her mother comes close, and hugs her. I'm sorry Zia, she whispers, But you know father, I just, I'm sorry.

Her mother looks at her for a moment, caressing her face; before a cruel, foreboding thought crosses her mind.

"Now take this wine to your father's study, girl. Quick!" Zia wipes her tears, smiles a little, dread filling the main portion below her neck. She carries the wine and glass on a tray, and says Bismillah, before opening the door that led to the study.

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