Chapter Nineteen

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When I wake up in the morning, I feel something fluffy climbing on me and sit up to see a fluffy little rag doll Kitten climbing all over me and nudging my face.

"I think he likes you," I hear Josh's voice say and look up to see him standing at the end of the bed.

I sit there playing with the kitten for a couple of seconds before I can finally speak.

"Is he mine?" I ask quietly and shyly.

"Yeah I got him for you as an early birthday present. So what are we going to name him?" Josh asks sitting on the bed next to me and starts patting it.

I look at the kitten for a minute trying to decide what to name him. He is fluffy white with gray paws and a gray nose. "How about Theo?" I ask looking up at Josh.

"You get to pick the name, but I like Theo, he looks like a Theo to me," Josh says smiling at me.

"Theo, I'm going to name him Theo, thank you so much I love him," I say as I watch Theo as he jumps off the bed and start pouncing around the room like a tiger. "I guess I should get ready for breakfast. Then we can go get stuff for him."

"I already got him some stuff," Josh says pulling out a bag full of kitten stuff. "We only need to get a collar and name tag for him."

"Thank you, you are the best boyfriend ever," I say giving him a hug before going to fix up the stuff for Theo.

Once all of Theo's toys are set up for him to play with, I fix up a spot with his food bowls, so that he has some biscuits and wet food and plenty of water so that he won't go thirsty. I quickly get ready and head down for breakfast with Josh's family. We head downstairs to the dining hall.

"You have to tell your Aunty," I say quickly before we reach the bottom of the stairs sounding nervous.

"I will, you don't have to be nervous," he says giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

Just then we reach the dining hall and we take our seats next to each other. I serve up a small plate with scrambled eggs, two crumpets, and two slices of toast with strawberry jam, and a hash brown before Josh decides to talk.

"Aunty Amara, I have something to tell you," Josh says after he fixes himself a plate of food.

"Yes?" she asks with a silently worried look on her face.

"Kayla and I have imprinted," he says in a slight rush.

"Really, well it usually happens the first time you see the person," she says giving Josh a pointed look.

"That's my fault. I asked him to not say anything because when it happened, I was still with Michael and I didn't want to cause any trouble." I tell her before she can start getting angry at Josh. "I'm sorry Lady Amara, I just didn't know what to do."

"Okay, I forgive you both for not telling me sooner," she says before taking a small sip of her English breakfast tea. "So have you decided when to do the ceremony?"

"We've decided that about June next year after we've had some time to plan it," I say.

I quickly start eating my breakfast quickly. Once I'm finished, I race upstairs, get my purse, and check on Theo and race back downstairs to meet Josh.

When we get back, I quickly race upstairs to check on Theo and put on his collar. Just as I get inside my room, I feel a shooting pain race from one side of my back and slowly spread across to the other side of my back that is so painful that I fall onto my bed and start crying.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Josh asks racing over to the side of the bed.

"My... Back," I manage to get out between sobs and gasps of pain.

Josh carefully lifts my shirt up and looks to see if he can see what is wrong when I hear him give a sharp gasp.

"Kayla, I need to go get King Ian, he has to see this now," Josh says before running out to find Ian.

After a couple of minutes, Josh returns with Ian and the pain in my back starts to fade away.

"Kayla, what's wrong? Josh said you were crying from pain in your back and that when he looked at it, he saw a weird mark that he'd only seen in the school textbooks," Ian says in a worried rush.

"I don't know about weird marks I just know that I had a sharp and horrible pain in my back that started in my lower right side of my back that spread across my back. It seems to be gone now though," I say sitting up.

"Can I look at your back, please?" Ian asks politely.

"Sure," I say and turn to him as I pull up my shirt.

"Oh, this is amazing," Ian says quietly.

I quickly move over to my full-length mirror to see if I can see it. When I can't see it, Josh hands me the mirror I use to do the back of my hair when I'm trying to plait or braid my hair. What I see is a purple and pink pattern of flowers mixed in amongst the swirls and doves. I give a large gasp at the sight.

"What does this mean?" I ask dropping my shirt and turning to face Josh and Ian.

"I haven't heard of one of these happening since just before the fall of the Greek empire. It was believed that this pattern on your back or a similar one meant that you were chosen by a Greek God or Goddess as the next majorly important King or Queen of our people. It also means that you have been blessed and chosen by that God or Goddess. The pattern usually had the God or Goddess' symbol and their sacred animal, which would mean you have been chosen by Aphrodite to bring a great change to our people. Guessing by the fact that she is the goddess of love and the fact the you have imprinted with Josh and no other King or Queen has had a significant other while ruling it will have something to do with changing that fact," Ian explains to me quickly.

"Kayla, this means we are going to have to tell people sooner than we wanted to tell them," Josh lets me know with a serious look on his usually smiling face.

"How about we start now? The sooner we get it over with, the better," I say.

Josh nods at me before I lead the way out of my room and the way to changing my life all over again.

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