Chapter Six

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Parking outside a pale blue house with white trim and a brown tile roof in a street full of almost identical houses, we sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Are you okay?" I finally ask when I can't stand the silence anymore, turning to him.

Instead of answering, he grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap and leans his head down to kiss me full on the mouth. The kiss is soft; it starts out entirely sweet and slowly gets more passionate. Our lips melt together, and his lips push mine open, and we kiss for several minutes before we break apart to catch our breath.

"Yes, I'm fine. Like I said earlier today you are still the same person you have always been," he tells me after he has caught his breath.

"Well, I'm glad. Look I better go, Mum and Dad are going to freak at me if I'm not home soon," I say giving him a quick kiss and climbing back into the driver's seat.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he says climbing out of the car.

I watch walk to the door and wave to him before driving home.

Getting home, I park my car in its spot in the garage, taking care to lock it and hang the keys up, before climbing the stairs to my room. Going into my room, I put on my favourite pair of pajamas. I message my two best friends Lilyanna and Christabel asking if they wanted to do some shopping tomorrow. Both reply saying yes, so I tell them both that I'd pick them both up at ten. Turning on my alarm, I put my phone on my bedside table, close my eyes and doze off.

Beep, beep, beep. I reach over and turn it off then climb out of bed with a yawn. I walk over to my closet and pull out a below the knee length lilac colored dress and go to get in the shower.

Climbing down the stairs half an hour later, I find my mum in kitchen cooking pancakes. I look at the clock and see that it is nine thirty, so I decide to sit down and have some. Seeing me sit down, Mum puts a plate with a stack of pancakes in front of me and a bottle of lemon syrup next to it. I pour some lemon syrup on my pancakes and practically inhaling them because they are that nice. I race upstairs and brush my teeth thoroughly and grab my handbag. Walking back downstairs, I check that my wallet and sunglasses are in it and put my phone in with them.

"Alright, Mum, I'm heading out," I say giving her a hug before walking to the garage. I grab my keys off the hook on the wall, as well as the spare garage door key and unlock the rolling door. Once I'm in the driver's seat and have my seatbelt buckled, I start the ignition and back out of the garage. When I've backed out far enough I put on the hand brake, climb out and shut and lock the garage door. Climbing back in the car, I drive the car out of the drive, put down the roof and head to pick up Christabel first. Stopping at a red light, I notice that everyone is staring open mouthed at my car. When the light turns green, I continue driving. Arriving at Christabel's house, she is already waiting out in the front for me. sShe starts walking to the car and when she takes a better look at the car she stops short taking it in. Upon seeing me in the driver's seat, she walks the last couple of steps and climbs into the front passenger's seat. She has cropped black hair, brown eyes, has a dark complexion and is short.

"Okay, this is a very expensive car, did you win the lottery?" she asks going for joking but only sounding shocked.

"No, I haven't I'll explain when we pick up Lilyanna cause I don't want to explain it twice," I say pulling out from the curb.

Driving the two blocks to Lilyanna's house was quite exciting; I couldn't wait to take my car out on the open road. Pulling up outside Lilyanna's house she is also waiting for us. When she sees us driving up her jaw drops from shock. She comes running down the path and climbs in. Lilyanna has bobbed red hair, blue eyes, is tall and has a pale complexion with a face full of freckles.

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