Chapter Twelve

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"Hello Uncle Zach," says Josh standing up and shaking his hand.

"Hey Josh, I've got someone here to see you. Josh, you remember Kayla don't you?" Prince Zach asks.

"Yeah, I remember," Josh says with a sweet smile and slight bow in my direction.

"Well she has agreed to hang out and get to know you and if she wishes spending some time getting to know you with the possibility that you could be her escort to her crowning ceremony."

"If it's okay with Kayla, then it's okay with me," says Josh politely giving me a questioning look.

"I'm perfectly happy to spend some time getting to know Josh," I tell them both happy to be making a new friend.

"Well Uncle Zach has told me previously that you are an avid dancer. So if you like I know a lovely place in town where they have live music for guests to dance. I would love to take you there tonight," Josh says in a voice that has a questioning note to it.

"Sure, I would love to do that," I answer politely.

"I should get back to the meeting. There are a couple of other things we need to tie down that are... surprises for your birthday," says Prince Zach before heading back to the meeting hall.

"If we head out now we can have some dinner and a chance to talk before we have a dance if you like?" Josh asks leaving the choice up to me.

"If you don't mind Princess Maria set up a couple of quick beauty treatments for me at the day spa to cheer me, do you mind joining me and then we can go?" I ask sheepishly.

"Sure I'll go with you," he says politely.

We head toward the salon where they do a fifteen minute Mani- Pedi and facial combo while I spend time talking to Josh about his friends from school. When the treatment is done, we head to the parking garage where he shows me to a classically restored red Mini Minor. When I see it, I freeze in my tracks and feel my jaw drop.

"It's nice isn't it? I restored it all by myself. It took me a while but it runs great and I love it," Josh tells me when he notices my reaction to the car.

"It's gorgeous," I say gob smacked. "You restored this all by yourself?" I ask, as I climb into the passenger side. When I am safely in the car, he closes the door behind me.

"Yeah, I loved doing it. It was very relaxing," he says as he climbs in the driver's side and backs out of the garage.

We drive along in companionable silence for a couple of minutes while I listen to the beautiful restored engine of the Mini Minor cruising below us.

"So why don't you tell me about your best friends?" Josh asks innocently.

"I have a friend Lilyanna. She is a kind sweet girl. She never has a bad word to say about anyone. She's someone who can also see the good in someone and the bright side of any situation. I love her like a sister," I tell him happily.

"Have you got any other close friends?" he inquires.

"I had someone who was also like a sister to me but she betrayed my trust and she is no longer a friend to me," I tell him briefly.

"May I ask what she did to betray your trust so badly?" Josh asks politely.

"I caught her kissing my ex-boyfriend at my school formal, it was last night, in fact," I let him know.

I quietly tell him the story of what happened the night before at the formal and when I finish we sit quietly for a couple of seconds and I worry that I've said too much too early.

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