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That evening Valerius, Polina, Saulina and Oliviana flee towards the entrance of one of the Lemanus Tunnels. When arriving on their asses they see a warning sign.

''Do not enter! Military territory! Trespassing punishable by death!''

They proceed anyway with their lamps on. One of the asses is carrying a small carriage where their stuff is hidden. Inside the tunnel they light on the tunnel lambs they encounter on their way. After a ride of two hours they encounter something like a small apartment. Saulina breaks the lock and they enter in. It's a room with grain, oil, water and wine supplies. There's also a small bath that has not been used for a while. After opening one door they find out that there are underwater dry caves that lead towards underground lakes. They walk towards on of those lakes and they sense the freshness of the water and the air over there. They also noticed that the soldiers build small paths around the inner lake. 

''You can hide here for years and nobody will find out!''

''They have a whole food supply in there!''

''These underground lakes also bring in fresh air from outside!''

''It also contains fish!''


''They claimed this network was haunted..''

''I haven't noticed anything till now!''

While they are speaking they can hear sounds of marching soldiers above them. 

''The troops already arrived!''

''Things are getting out of hand..''

''We are safe here!''

''We can make bread, bake some fish and drink the fresh water and wine.. for coming days!''

''There are more of such rooms and possibly inner ponds around here!''

''We need to bring to asses here for them to wander around''

''Good idea!''

They put the asses out near the inner pond so they can wander around and drink from the pond. At the same time Saulina is baking some bread. She also found some dried meat that was still good for cooking. After dinner, Saulina walked a bit further into the tunnel and she found a doorway that led to the outside world. She came out in a hill in a park next to the shores of the Lemanus lake. The door in the hill was so installed that nobody would notice it. Outside she stared at the moon for a while. She noticed that Polina followed her.

''This hill is artifically made for this''

''How do you know?''

''Because I'm Lolo!''

''Hahha Lolina.. you're funny!''

''Now that I'm thinking about it.. we can also just remain here..''

''In these caves?''

''Why not?''

''Lolo... you're crazy!''

''I know! Just as the whole world is crazy, Saul! We can live here and from time to time go to town and buy whatever we need..''

''What if we are caught?''

''They will think we are some ghosts that are haunting this place. Remember that these caves are so called haunted?''

''They claim they are''

''Also, the authorities don't want to even acknowledge that these caves exist. So why do we care?''

''We've only been here for a while. We didn't even explore 10% of the tunnels. We don't know what's out there!''

''But still you're here...''

''I was curious!''

''So do I!''

''Lolo... we are not even sure if these tunnels are abandoned. It can be that they are still used for a hidden agenda.''

''Are you a conspiracy theorist now?''

''No.. I'm just being factual here. That dried meat I found cannot be of 20 years ago! It was fresh. Maybe two or three months old. These tunnels are still used. And for some reason they kill everyone that's being nosy by investigating this network.''

''Well, we're still here.. aren't we?''

''Yes we are!''

''So don't bother with it! Come! I want more of that meat you've prepared!''

When they close the door behind them and walk downstairs they hear some people walking around above them. 

They stand still.

They footsteps come closer.

''Are you sure you some someone here?''

''Yes, captain! I did!''

''Well, there's nobody here!''

''Forgive me..''

''Mistakes are human! Don't fret about it!''

''These forests are where one of the former Julian tunnels were located. Till today the Provinces have forbidden anyone from entering this place!''

''Because it's used for military training!''

''Are we even allowed to be here?''

''We are part of a covert division of the military! We are allowed to go to all restricted military lands throughout the Empire!''

One of the soldiers looks down. 

''Sir! This is a necklace! It belongs to a female...''

The captain comes near.

''That's interesting!''

The others become uncomfortable. 

''Listen men! I want you to split in groups of three and trace this while park here. This necklace feels quite warm so the one wearing it just dropped it. Possibly less than 20 minutes ago! They can't be far! When you find them, bring them to the camp!''

The soldiers do as they are told. 

When Lolina and Saulina notice that the footsteps are moving away, they quickly open the door to see what's going on outside. When they open it, they see how the soldiers are marching away. They quickly close the door again, lock it, and return to the hall of the tunnel. 

''We were almost caught!''


''Should we warn the others?''

''I'm tired now and I need some sleep. We will figure out what to do tomorrow..''

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