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Valerius realised that the situation will become worse. He  has no intention of becoming involved in any criminal court case. He knows from past experiences that whenever civil unrest occurs the government or influential people within the community will blame it on any random individual or group that finds itself in vulnerable circumstances. He, himself, has been victimized and almost jailed for something he didn't do. There was a young woman being emotionally abused in town. When the severely traumatised women became suicidal and murdered a pregnant wife and commuted suicide afterwards, nobody in town wanted to deal with the cause of her murder-suicide. The traumatised victim was treated as trash by the pregnant wife. This time, however, the traumatised victim's hidden pain bursted and she lost control. The pregnant wife had to pay for it with her life and that of her future child.  The husband of the murdered wife and unborn child charged the relatives in town that emotionally harassed the killer of his family-to-be. The perpetrators pointed out that many in town agreed with their behaviour. This led to the enablers. who permitted and excused the victimisation to take place, to become offended. When the mayor noticed things were becoming more and more ugly, he blamed Valerius for causing the mental injury of the victim that dragged two people in her suicide. Valerius was suddenly arrested and accused of stalking and sexually 'forcing his presence' upon the mental patient. He only saw the victim twice in his whole life. Each time the victim avoided his presence, due to her anxiety disorder. There were false eye witness account and no evidence at all to convict him. The judge, because the unreality of the case was too obvious, obliged Valerius to pay a fine of 20 Denarii. Because Valerius couldn't pay, because he was broke,  he had to perform forced labour 25 days dong. It was during this penalty that he found out why he was targeted. After the 17th day the judge released him from his punishment. He left town immediately. He was foretold by a slave that the perpetrators and enablers of the deceased victim were behind his conviction at the court. Furthermore, the husband of the deceased wife and unborn child was out for revenge - despite the fact that Valerius was obviously innocent. These events opened Valerius' eyes to see what kind of world he lived in. After his departure from the town he became more alert to his environment. He refused to become paranoid and chronically suspicious. He, instead, trained himself how to be alert and to not take everything for granted. Valerius also understood that his bad reputation, due to the projection of others, might make him an effective candidate for collective blaming. He considered the option of leaving Spain for a while. 

That night Valerius remains inside the hotel. The next morning, before sunrise, he visits the fora. There he finds a vase with coins it it. He understood that it was a vase forgotten by the robbers. He took the vase and knocked on the door of the bank. He found out that the door was open. When he entered inside he found the bankers were sexually molesting two children. One of the bankers, who was witnessing it, saw Valerius. He escaped the scene, grabbed Valerius at the neck and dragged him outside. 

''What is your problem?''

''My problem? What are you doing inside the bank at this hour?''

''This is a vase from your bank. The robbers forgot it at the Fora. I discovered it. Aren't you at least happy?''

''F*ck off! Take the vase with you! I don't want to see you around here again. Is that clear?''

Valerius left with the vase. 

When he arrived at the hotel - the sun was not risen yet - he opened the vase in the dining room. There was 250 Denarii in the vase with 50 Aureus. The next day he found two muggers at the road. He paid them each an Aureus with the goal of killing the bankers. He understood that he wouldn't be safe in town anymore now being threatened by the bankers. Also, his welfare would be cut off. He knew it was wrong. He understood, however, that he needed to deal with his on a practical manner before it grew worse. That same day the muggers came back with the heads of the 8 bankers. He paid them each another Aureus. He told them to bring the heads to the fora and place them there near the fountain. The killings happened at night. The next day there was another uproar in town due to the decapitated heads of the bankers that were found. The children that were molested by the men, however, were relieved. They were not happy with the dead of their perpetrators, but they were glad that their perpetrators were gone and unable to persist in harming them or other children. Also, many people that owed the bank debts were also relieved that debt collectors couldn't threaten them anymore. One of such people was Oliviana, the daughter of a local shop owner. She was about to be taken captive and sold as a sex slave to a distant cult, because her parents couldn't pay off their loan. Now, she was spared a lifetime of mental and physical suffering. According the the Provincial  law the debt will cease to exist the moment the creditor dies or is incarcerated. The evil committed by the bankers they reaped by being murdered at the hands of muggers. The evil done by Valerius, even though it was - according to him - from self-defense, was converted into good unto for the community. This was the result of a friend of Oliviana, whom she avoided out of fear of rejection, who prayed on her behalf. That friend, which happened to be someone living right across the street of Valerius' apartment, didn't knew that his prayer was answered. He was still prayer on Oliviana's behalf! He didn't knew the evil that was behind Oliviana's affliction. By him targeting the affliction spiritually [and not the physical manifestation through Oliviana's behaviour and stress], the evil was dealt with. A week later that friend encountered Oliviana. She was happy and bright. Oliviana told about the death of the bankers, the annulment of the debt and her relief from being sold into slavery. It was then that he understood that his prayers were not in vain! Valerius was not even aware that his presence in the town was divinely orchestrated to answer a prayer. This didn't justify his action nor that of the muggers, they were just tools for a greater purpose. That same friend of Oliviana also affected Valerius' well being. Due to that friend being in town and operating by Faith, much harm was hindered from manifesting in the neighbourhood. Including several people that wanted to lynch Valerius never got the change to do so. Valerius would always be away when they were seeking for him. The friend of Oliviana was not aware that he had such a great impact on his environment. Neither did Valerius knew that he was benefiting from the Faith of someone near him. It was this collateral benefit that caused Valerius to also find that vase with money - to secure his departure from the town. 

Valerius left the hotel right after the hitmen received their payment. After his departure Oliviana visited the harbour. At the harbour she sought for a restaurant. She found the hotel and bought a small fish dish with honey. At that moment she met Saulina and Polina. 

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