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Lolina (whom is also called Polina), Saulina and Oliviana found out about the secret chamber. They listened when the men were speaking. At night, when the two men were gone, they entered into the chamber. They plundered half of the remaining treasures that were left behind by Valerius and Tinus. The women also knew of a minting office in town. It was an old banker who used to mind coins. He still has to tools. They went to him with the gold and silver. In exchange for a small portion, he agreed to meld the rest into coins. For the coming five days he minted the coins for them. In total it was 200 Aureus coins and 1500 regional Celtic coins, each worth a bit more than a Denarius. It was only after a week that Polina revealed this to Valerius. Valerius was surprised at the cleverness of the women. He praised them for acting strategically. Polina and Saulina explained that they wanted to have some fortune when they returned to the Baltic kingdoms. They would be perceived as strangers after living years within the Roman world and adapting to Roman customs. With this money they could at least purchase some land or a farm and sustain them and their relatives after returning. 

''When will you leave?''

''We will depart within a month. We need to be at Burdigala. From there the ship will depart towards the Baltic Sea!''

''How are you going to keep this a secret?''

''Why a secret?''

''Look! You and your relatives have been here as political hostages. After years of wandering you will be shipped back home. Look! I don't want to be mean, but you girls are a bit naive now! Don't you think that some of your relatives might become envious of this wealth you achieved? Do you seriously think they would believe this story of that chamber? They won't! They will either accuse you of theft or seducing and sleeping with wealthy Romans to get free stuff. They won't respect you. And expect that after arrival in your homeland that there is going to be dispute about this money. There will be! You will need to hide these vases! And there's another thing! When you arrive back in your homeland, don't expect a special treatment. You people were just like cattle into a forced bargain that Rome enforced upon your land. When you're back, you will be treated like that also. And if you have riches like this, they will plunder you! Even if you manage to marry some wealthy Baltic dude, as a wife you have no legal rights at all. All of it will be spend by your husband the way he wants it. Or.. your husband will be deprived of it and you both will be left with nothing. I do hope you ladies have some plan..''

''We don't''

''I propose that you either remain behind in Gaul and live as Gaulish-Roman women. In Gaul women have some degree of liberty that is not present in other places of the Roman world. Here you can purchase slaves and get involved with some temple cult and you'll leave in prosperity. Or..''

''Or what?''

''You will have to cover up your wealth by moving to your homeland not as Savarians, but as Roman settlers!''

''Roman settlers?''

''Rent an own ship, buy some slaves, and sail together with the others to your homeland. Once arrived there, join the local female priesthood and spend your money over there! That way you will avoid retribution from your kin and you will avoid exploitation by the authorities in your homeland!''

''Interesting proposal!''

''Sometimes... sometimes you need to think ahead!''

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